Narragansett Civil Rights Team 

Still time to join! 4th-grade families received permission slips to join the Narragansett Civil Rights Team. If your student is interested in joining, please return the completed permission slips to classroom teachers!

 Click here for our Weekly Newletter

Attention Second Grade Families! Please join us for breakfast with your student on Thursday, December 5th from 8:00-8:30! Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria. Parking is available in our parking areas or across the street at St. Anne’s Church. Please complete the following RSVP for the event: Second Grade Breakfast

Generosity & Thankfulness


Compassion Campaign

As winter approaches, it becomes time to think about those in our community who may need a little support staying warm as the temperatures drop. Our Narragansett community would like to share our Compassion Campaign to provide winter gear for students who are in need. If your family would find the Compassion Campaign helpful during this time of year, please reach out to us per the instructions in the letter linked below.

The goal of the Compassion Campaign is to supply Narragansett children with winter gear they need for the cold weather - coats, hats, gloves, and boots. Please read ourCompassion Campaign Letter for more information. The deadline to request assistance is Friday, November 22nd.

Elementary School Band & Chorus Concert Dates

We are excited to announce the Elementary School Band & Chorus Dates for this year. Be sure to mark your calendars! 

February 6, 2025 Elementary Chorus Winter Concert

April 1, 2025 All Gorham Band Night

April 8, 2025 All Gorham Chorus Night

May 20, 2025 Elementary Spring Band & Chorus 

Narragansett Family Breakfast

Family Breakfast Dates

December 5th Grade 2

January 30th Grade 5

February 13th Grade K

March 6th Grade 3

April 17th Pre-K Snack 

   (9:00 am and  2:00 pm)

May 1st Grade 4

Backpack Program

The BackPack Program provides school-age students experiencing food insecurity enrolled in the Gorham School Department with healthy snacks and staple meal items helpful to your family for the weekend. We aim to provide food that is child-friendly, non-perishable, and easily consumed; and to distribute the weekly bag discreetly, with the help of school staff. Food bags will be distributed TO STUDENTS while they are in school once a week. In addition, participants will receive 1 snack per day while they are at school. BackPack Program Sign-up Form

Applications for the Gorham's Public Pre-K Program

Gorham families with children who will be 4 years old by October 15, 2024 are encouraged to apply for FREE half-day Pre-K!

Please contact Theresa Connolly at 222-1295 with questions or to complete an application.