
Ranked by difficulty, the Ithaca  region has several Category 2 hills. The notorious East Miller climb is more than halfway down the list

How is Hill Score calculated

Hill Score is calculated from length and average grade. We took the distance and elevation given by RidewithGPS.com. Oddly enough, the calculation for average grade offered by Ridewithgps.com was patently incorrect for reasons which are unclear. We found the hypotenuse (miles) and elevation gain (feet) which yielded the steepest portion consistent with the longest segment. Recalculating the horizontal run using the Pythagorean Theorem, we arrived at a corrected Average Grade, which agreed with Strava.

Cat 4 > 8000, Cat 3 > 16000, Cat 2 > 32000, Cat 1 > 64000, HC (Hors Categorie) > 80000