MacGregor Core French

Mme Frid


This page has been created in an effort to aid communication between home and school regarding the Grade 7 and 8 Core French Language program. If you do not find what you are looking for on this page, please do not hesitate to e-mail me your request (link provided above) or call the school (519) 885-6200.


• is one of Canada’s two official languages

• strengthens students’ ability to communicate and participate effectively

• enhances critical and creative thinking abilities

• teaches respect and appreciation for other cultures

• provides a distinct advantage in career opportunities


• take an interest in what your child is learning in French class

• review new vocabulary

• listen to songs and rhymes that your child has learned

• listen to your child read familiar texts

• encourage your child to spend small amounts of time listening to French television (cartoons, sports, games, music videos)

• encourage your child to borrow French books, cassettes, videos from the library

• provide your child with a French-English dictionary at school/home to assist with homework

• regularly access the freerice or duolingo french app.

Below I have outlined a few basic procedures that will help both you and your child become familiar with this year’s core French program.

• A French assessment will be given approximately every second cycle.

Here, students will be tested on the lessons from previous weeks. These tests are called “dictées” and the purpose of them is to increase French vocabulary, spelling and grammar concepts. These routine dictées also decrease the pressure that would otherwise be put on the students with less frequent tests, weighing more in the final mark.

The expectation for each quiz and/or assignment will be posted, as well as due date, of the homework and assignments.

• Participation is highly encouraged during French classes. Learning a new language requires practice and persistence. Therefore, students need to actively participate during all lessons.

Consistent review and practice is necessary in order to succeed. To further encourage the dedication needed to enable success to all, I am available for any questions, comments and/or clarifications during nutrition breaks, before and/or after school, by appointment, phone or e-mail.

Please feel free to contact me at any time if you would like to discuss the French program.


Mme C. Frid

"When parents, teachers, and students work together, it has long been proven that a child's success will be greater."
