Sueños Unidos is a platform where dreamers unite and tell their stories. Our goal is to redefine the American Dream through storytelling. Each episode will tell a different story. This is a completely student-led podcast. This podcast has been written and produced by 11th-grade English students at Gompers Preparatory Academy, a prestigious prep school located in Southeast San Diego. Ms. Willis and Mr. Sheehan are their coaches and guides.

This podcast and blog started after students read the classic novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald which has themes surrounding the corruption of the American dream, as the unrestrained desire for money and pleasure surpasses more admirable goals. The characters in the novel display this chase for money and pleasure ultimately leaving them lonely and unhappy. The main character, Gatsby, throws these lavish parties in order to lure back the love of his life Daisy Fay. In the end, it doesn’t work and his love for her was an illusion much like the American Dream is for many. We launched a project surrounding the American Dream and it all started with a question: How can we, as writers, re-define the American Dream by sharing our own stories and stories from the community?

