
"...The show was compered by well-known disc jockey Mike Read and Mr George Baker, well known as TV’s Inspector Wexford.

Mr Baker said: "...Everyone will have their own favourites from the show, but the highlights included Geraldine Aylmer-Kelly and Barbara Gompels singing the Duet from Lakhme by Delibes..."

(Swindon Advertiser August 2004 - Songs From the Shows at Dauntsey School Directed by Mike Reed MD to Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber)


"Also of remark to me were the harmonies and sweetness of tone in Micaela (Barbara Gompels) and Don José’s first duet, and the quality of their voices in subsequent songs. "

(Gail Foster 2019- WHO's Carmen)


"There’s real talent among the singers in this company, and great praises on this occasion are certainly due to the imperious Queen of the Night, Barbara Gompels, who hit the high Fs in her challenging coloratura soprano aria without a hint of screech; "

(Gail Foster 2018 - WHO's Magic Flute)


"...Yet the true high points came from within the company itself. A rouge cheeked Barbara Gompels’ vocal gymnastics in Offenbach’s ‘Doll Song’ and Paula Boyagis’sultry, smoky siren warning off potential suitors in Bizet’s ‘Habanera’ from Carmen. Both were performances of confidence and conviction, with a knowing smile..."

(Devizes Gazette & Herald April 2014- WHO Spring Concert 2014)


"...Two duets stood out for me, the first being Barbara Gompels and Niall Hoskin’s rendition of Benedictus by Saint Saens accompanied by Tony James on piano, two great voices in perfect harmony...."

(Devizes Gazette & Herald October Dec 19th 2013 - WHO Christmas Concert 2013)


".....Graham Billing as John Styx, Barbara Gompels as Diana, Dajana Kovac as Venus and Paula Boyagis as Cupid are also excellent......"

(Devizes Gazette & Herald October 2011 - WHO’s Orpheus in the Underworld)


".....Edward Harper and Barbara Gompels were brilliant as Count and Countess Almaviva...."

(Devizes Gazette & Herald May 2008 - WHO’s Marriage of Figaro Devizes Town Hall)


"...and Barbara Gompels’ spectacular soprano voice was perfect for the forgiving Countess..."

(Devizes Gazette & Herald November 2007 - WHO’s Marriage of Figaro Great Cheverell Church)


"... As Olympia the Doll Barbara Gompels turns in a remarkable performance, essaying the technically challenging Doll’s Song with effortless aplomb..."

(Devizes Gazette & Herald October 2005 - WHO’s Tales of Hoffmann)
