Your home. Your care. Your way.

Helping NDIS participants with disabilities and mental illness become more independent and live a happier life 

Why choose us?

 We’re here on your terms. We offer a range of in-home support services that cover the majority of daily living needs. With our tailored plans and experienced care staff, we make it possible for everyone to experience a quality life. We are specialised in providing support to individuals with disabilities and mental illness, ensuring their rights and choices are valued and supported. Call us and discuss your needs today! Click here

Top Staff

Gold Stars Disability Care employs skilled and knowledgeable staff members to guarantee optimal care for our clients. Our team consists of dedicated professionals who excel in a workplace that values and acknowledges talent, and embodies our commitment to sustainability and community involvement.

Vision & Mission

We envision that all participants and their families can easily access essential services and support to strengthen and enhance their relationships, with a primary focus on the participants' wellness and independence. Our dedication lies in meeting the requirements of all participants and families while prioritising their best interests. Whether you require a few hours of home support or 24/7 complex care, we are here to provide professional and dignified care to meet your needs.

Diverse Clients

We respect and value participants from different backgrounds, cultures, and circumstances, we are committed to offering tailored services that cater to your specific needs. Through ongoing planning, assessment, and strategic guidance, we strive to deliver the highest quality care and assist you in reaching your goals.

Core values









