Create a Camp!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to build a camp experience and receive Christian Service Credit!

What are you doing July 31 and August 1?

The alumni association is wanting to give you an opportunity to get Christian Service Credit and practical hands on ministry experience! Oh, did I mention there will be free food? Don't miss out on this opportunity to help create a camp environment for the kids and youth at the Alumni Conference.

Join me and build a camp experience!

Who am I?

I'm Josh, the Children and Families' Pastor at Central Baptist Church in Corbin, KY. That means I get to have a lot of fun!! I also get to offer biblical counseling to folks within our church and surrounding area. I want to partner with you as a student at Clear Creek Bible College. As we put together a camp experience for these kids and youth, we will get sharpen each other. I hope you'll sign up for this ministry experience and I'll get to meet you in person!

Wanna discover the kid min world?

Do you know these names: Ryan Frank, Brian Dollar, Tornado Twins, D-6, Roger Fields, Brian Haynes? You probably should...they're making a big splash in the kids ministry world. On July 31, before camp starts, we'll have a mastermind style session where you'll get to evaluate current kids min methods and strategies. Get a head start in knowing what works and what doesn't.

Wanna become a better teacher?

Try teaching the atonement to a third grader. Explain to a squirming first grader the hypostatic union of Christ. Keep everyone's attention as you teach the trinity. Sound impossible? It can be done! Sign up and you will see your teaching muscles bulk up.

This isn't for me. I'm not going to be a kids pastor or youth pastor.

Do you think there will there be a kids ministry or youth ministry at your future church? Do you plan on equipping people in your church to lead these ministries? If so, you'll want to be a part of this event. You'll get to help build the camp experience while also digging deep into the kid min world.

I'm not free on July 31 & August 1...but I really want this experience.

I would really like to keep in touch with you and let you know of future opportunities just like this one. I want to help and serve you as you complete your training at Clear Creek.

Click below to give me your first name and email address. If you're on my list, then you'll get periodic reviews of the current curriculum and methods within the family ministry and biblical counseling world.