Parent Portal

Rooms is a two way communication and messaging tool integrated directly with the VCS app.  It simplifies the digital classroom while bringing all communication together in one place.  Download the VCS app today.

We will be using the Class Equity classroom economy system.  This is a virtual bank that teaches finance through experience.  Students are awarded digital school bucks for positive behavior to increase student motivation and confidence.

The Infinite Campus Parent Portal App is the best way to view student grades.  In order to setup an account you will need to stop by the VMS front office.  Parent Portal allows you to stay up-to-date with grades in all classes. 

Google Classroom 

Parents can receive an email summary of their child's assignments in the classroom through Google Classroom Email Summaries.  Make sure you put your email address on all parent forms that are sent home during the first week of school.  You will get an email with instructions on how to set up weekly email summaries shortly after the first week of school.