3C - Mrs. worley

Hello! My name is Mrs. Worley and I have been teaching for 6 years.  I love being a BES Bear; this will be my 5th year here!  I am married with one child and two fur babies.  I am so excited to be your teacher this year and I can't wait to meet you soon!  We have so many exciting days ahead where we will learn amazing things and grow together!  

Want to know a little more about me? Here are a few of my favorite things:

Colors: Pink & Green

Season: Fall

Books: Harry Potter & Lord Of The Rings Series

Movie: Moana

Drink: Coke Zero or Strawberry Limeaide

Foods: Italian

Hobbies: Baking & Reading

Things to Do: Watch Movies

My husband, Colby, is finishing his accounting degree this Fall!  He currently works in customer service for Concentrix.

Jameson is our 2 year old! He has a big personality and keeps us on our toes! We love to play with & snuggle him! 

This is Tonks, our chocolate lab.  She is the sweetest dog I've ever known, and loves to take naps with me on the weekends!

I love to bake and decorate sugar cookies!  I run "Little Red's Bakery" out of my home kitchen!

Contact Mrs. worley through Parent Square or via email: Worleyj@gobearsgo.net

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