Powder Puff 2022

All the info you need for the 2022 Powderpuff game is right here.

You can sign up to participate and order t-shirts on the forms below. If you sign up to participate, you do not have to fill out a separate form for a t-shirt.

Contact Mrs. Rogers (rogersj@gobearsgo.net) for more information.

Deadline to sign up or order t-shirts is Wednesday, April 20th.

Game day: May 9th at 5pm

Bear Stadium

Click here to sign up as a participant: player, coach, or cheerleader. The fee to participate is $15. This includes your shirt.

Click here if you just want to order a t-shirt. All shirts are $15.

Brownsboro High School Powder Puff Flag Football Rules

Amended April, 2022


1. Players and coaches must arrive a minimum of ten minutes prior to scheduled game time.

5:00 p.m. Seniors vs. Freshmen

6:00 p.m. Juniors vs. Sophomores

7:00 p.m. Championship Game

2. Seven players will be on the field at a time.


1. No cleats. Tennis shoes or other athletic shoes may be worn.

2. Powder puff t-shirt must be worn outside of any other clothes. Long-sleeved shirts, etc. may be worn under the t-shirts.

3. Shirts, jackets, etc. may NOT be worn over the flag belts. Flags may NOT be tied in any way. Students who tie flags will be disqualified and removed from the game.

4. No caps, or other hats with hard rims may be worn.

5. No jewelry may be worn.


1. Games will consist of two twenty minute halves, with a ten minute half-time.

2. The clock will remain running with no stopping for whistles.

General Rules:

1. Stiff arming is not allowed. A personal foul will be called, and if warranted, an unsportsmanlike conduct or ejection will result.

2. NO TACKLING!! Unsportsmanlike conduct will be called in the event of tackling, and ejection from the game will result.

3. A defensive player shall not hold, grasp, or obstruct the forward progress of the runner when attempting to remove the flag.

Personal Fouls:

Any act listed below is a personal foul and will result in a penalty to be determined by the referees:

Punch, strike, strip, steal, or attempt to steal the ball from a player in possession.

Trip an opponent.

Contact an opponent who is on the ground.

Throw the runner to the ground.

Contact an opponent either before or after the ball is declared dead.

Make any contact with an opponent that is deemed unnecessary.

Deliberately drive or run into a defensive player.

Starting the Game:

1. A coin toss will determine which team will have first possession.

2. The ball will be placed on the 20 yard line to begin play. There will be no kicking.

Playing the Game:

1. Regular rules of football will be followed, unless otherwise noted.

2. On 4th down, teams may punt or “Go for it”. If not successful, the other team will take over on the line of scrimmage.

3. Defensive players must count five “Powder Puffs” before rushing the quarterback.

4. All players are eligible to receive passes.