Independent Math Enrichment Topics

Topic 1 - Logic & Sudoku Puzzles

Sudoku and Logic Puzzles are great ways to exercise your brain! Want an extra challenge? Try creating your own using grid paper or drawing one on the sidewalk in chalk.

Topic 2 - Building and Constructing Structures

Do you love legos? If building and constructing is your thing, check out these fun ideas for building and constructing using materials around your house. Did you create something cool? I would LOVE to see it! Email me a photo at .

Topic 3 - Coding & PreProgramming

Are you interested in computer programming? Do you enjoy puzzles and problem solving? If so, you should try coding. If you can write code then you can build your own app, create a website or design a video game.

No site sign in required, free:

  • Blockly - This one is my FAVORITE.

  • Scratch - This one is more challenging but offers a wider variety of things that you can create.

  • Crunch-zilla - This one is basic, but focused on code.

Free, but must create an account:

Topic 4 - Career Explorations with Math

Do you love math? Do you think you might like to have a job that includes math when you grow up? Browse these sites to see and hear about how math is integrated into everyday careers.

Topic 5 - Math for Fun

Check out these fun math-based activities. Did you create something cool? I would LOVE to see it! Email me a photo at .

Topic 6 - Secret Messages

If you like to write notes or messages, try these activities to write your own secret code! There are so many cool options to choose from! Did you create something cool? I would LOVE to see it! Email me a photo at .

Topic 7 - Measurement & Pythagorean Theorem

Check out this awesome activity set from Camp Nuhop Education to measure the height of a tree!

Topic 8 - Finding Pi

Are you curious about Pi? Pi as in the mathematical term, not pie (the kind you eat). Check out these resources to explore pi on your own.

Topic 9 - Math is Weird: Fibonacci Sequence & the Golden Ratio

If you like patterns, check out this pattern that naturally occurs in nature called the Fibonacci Sequence. Did you create something cool? I would LOVE to see it! Email me a photo at .

Topic 10 - Outdoor Circles Activity

Check out another great resource from Nuhop Education!

Topic 12 - Famous Mathematician Explorations

Did you even wonder who invented math? Click here to be directed to the a new page to watch videos and see articles about a few famous mathematicians.

Other Cool Things

Did you find a cool math game, interesting video that includes math, or cool STEM activity? Email me the link at and you might see it featured on our classroom website.