Attempting to preserve memories, alongside practising mindfulness, and gratitude


Penning down fragments of my thoughts


First visit to legendary APPCAIR labs. The ACs were working fine. It's just Goa heat! :) 

The best stuff of 2023

First experience out of Bharat | Sweet land of liberty and spirit of America | Cultures

2023 ticked off some checks on my bucketlist as a 22 yo. The total number of places I visited this year is much more than in the previous 20 years. Not to mention all of these destinations were out of India. (Here is a brief preview of my travel: Mumbai, IN -> Boston, MA -> Dover, NH -> KL, Malaysia -> NYC -> SF/SJ, CA -> Solvang, CA -> Salinas, CA -> Mumbai, IN -> ((Vancouver)). My time in Boston was spent on my bachelor's thesis with Harvard Medical School, working on interesting medical research problems. I was introduced to many European and American cultures through my roommates and lab mates. It was a very nice experience to know about the commonalities between different cultures and between Indian culture too. An undergraduate student, who is used to living in walkable societies or his friends' rooms, is introduced directly to the American hustle culture, with scathing rents and disconnectivity from friends and family left me detached from my previous life in India. The truly fascinating thing about the US (Boston) is how everyone collectively has no feeling of belongingness, sucking this up feeling and is involved in the greater purpose of building an efficient system or parts of the system. Whether it be education, public transport, business, and so on. (still writing... I'm a bit of a procrastinator)

The best stuff of 2022

Almost everything was great about 2022. Had a really fun and enriching time on the campus and every day was like a work vacation :) Honestly, dont think such days will ever come back. But they never do anyway. 

The best stuff of 2021

Great posts | articles | talks | podcasts

non-technical books read

Haven't been able to read many books this year. Hopefully, 2022 is the year where I pick up on my reading again

TV shows/ Movies / Anime

Musicians/Albums discovered 

Favourite papers discovered 

Favourite Summer School / Conference attended 

Favourite place I have been to

Favourite YouTubers

Favourite groups/ twitter discovered 

I haven't finished however