Below is a list of proper POST THROW RECOVERY (This should be done every day you get past 105 feet of catch, daily schedule will determine exercises on a given day refer to throwing program):

Recovery Day 1:

  • 32 oz ball Ball drops x) 50 reps at 4 positions (Straight out, out to side, wall 90 degrees and prone 90 degrees

  • Internal External Rotation J Bands x 50 Reps at each position (slow and controlled)

5lb Dumbells.mp4

Recovery Day 2:

  • 5lb Weight Series. 3 sets of 10 (Straight out, 45 degrees, out to side, reverse flies)

  • 60 second ball circles against wall at 3 positions (refer to video)

  • Lacrosse Ball or Baseball Rollout of Shoulder/Lat


Recovery Day 3:

  • J - Band walk backs x 10 Reps (both arm down and arm up)

  • 20 reps of heavy plyo ball decel catch

  • Pushup Plank position hold for 60 seconds

Reverse Throws.mp4

Recovery Day 4:

Intensity is no more than 50%

  • Reverse Throws: 32 oz x 15 throws @ 50% intensity

  • Decel Catch to Reverse Throw: 32 oz, 2 sets of x 10 throws