CV and social media profiles

Datos básicos

Programme: POLISS Summer School in Valencia

Lecturer: Nicolás Robinson-García

Parte I: Managing your CV

Parte II: Digital identity and Open Access

Part I - Managing your CV


Unlike in other sectors, sythesis is not considered a virtue when presenting a CV. While the common advice in industry is to keep it short and focused on experience, skills and capabilities, academic CVs tend to be long and mainly focused on outputs and merits.

🔒🔒 Professor - Assistant Professor - Assistant Professor 🔒🔒

Some tips

Templates already hint at what reviewers are looking for...

This is an example from the MSCA Postdoc Individual Fellowship.

Here is the template for the ERC Starting Grant

Visibility vs. authorship

RULE NUMBER 1 -  Choose your unique way of signing papers and BE CONSISTENT!!!!

RULE NUMBER 2 - Take control of your own visibility

Researcher Identifiers

Google Scholar


Researcher ID

The one and only -> ORCID

Part II - Digital Identity and Open Access

Making your publications open

"You cannot have a digital reputation if you lack of real reputation. First publish, then make a name"

The Academic website

Designing an academic website is essential in order to control your identity as a scientist. It is also a good place to record your main milestones as an academic.

Some recommendations

Haven't published yet? No worries...  👀 👀  Dakota Murray - Elvira González-Salmón - Victoria Di Césare

Social media and outreach

Social Outreach

I am all in for digital minimalism 


I barely use social media for personal purposes and only for work. But I do see the value on engaging in the conversation... 

... ocassionally at least 🤫