Granada, May 4 – 5, 2023

Motivation and Cognitive Effort:

New Research Directions


Michael Inzlicht

University of Toronto

The Effort Paradox: Why Cognitive Work is Loathed and Loved

Jeremy M. Wolfe

Harvard Medical School

Normal Blindness: Why we look but fail to see

About the Workshop:

The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss research performed on the intersection of cognitive and motivational sciences that addresses the topic of cognitive effort. We will focus on basic neural and cognitive processes involved in effortful information processing as well as on applied contexts (such as loss of personal control, cognitive trainings etc.), which can influence people’s choices to either invest or withdraw effort in everyday mental activity.

The whole workshop includes three parts:

1.- On the morning of Thursday, May 4, there will be two keynotes, one by Michael Inzlicht and the other by Jeremy Wolfe. Both will be free of charge, at the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Psychology, and until full capacity is reached (no registration is required).

2.- On the afternoon of Thursday, May 4, a series of short talks and a general debate will be given by Marcin Bukowski, Carlos González, Aleksandra Gruszka-Gosiewska, Luis Cásedas, Rafael Román-Caballero and Juan Lupiáñez. Attendance to this sessions will be free, in Sala de Conferencias 1 of the CIMCYC, and will require registration. (Link Registration).

3.- On Friday, May 5, there will be a Small Group Meeting of all researchers involved in the project "Active coping with uncontrollability: Cognitive effort investment as a personal control restoration strategy”, led by Marcin Bukowski, and funded by the Polish National Science Centre (Grant no. 2021/41//B/HS6/04447). Attendance at the small group meeting is for people involved in the research project. Those who are interested in attending, please contact either Marcin Bukowski ( or Juan Lupiáñez (

Thursday, May 4th

Facultad de Psicología

Thursday, May 4th

Mind, Brain and Behavior

Friday, May 5th

Carmen de la Victoria 


Thursday, May 4th

Aula Magna of the Faculty of Psychology Campus Universitario cartuja, S/N

Sala Conferencias  1 - CIMCYC

C/ Profesor Clavero s/n



Friday, May 5th

Carmen de la Victoria 

University of Granada