
Invited Speakers

Speakers in Education Strategy Forum are marked by *

All presentations by speakers will be delivered in Chinese.


      9:00~9:45  Registration

      9:45~10:00  Opening

      10:00~11:00  Session 1 :  Two presentations

             tea break 

      11:10~12:10  Session 2Two presentations


      13:30~14:30  Session 3 :  Two presentations

             tea break 

      14:40~15:40  Session 4 :  Two presentations

             tea break & take group photos

      16:00~17:45  Session 5 :  Education Strategy Forum

      18:00~20:00  Banquet


      9:00~9:30  Registration

      9:30~10:30  Session 6 :  Two presentations

             tea break 

      10:50~11:50  Session 7 :  Two presentations

      11:50~13:00  Closing and Free Discussion