
And now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.1Corinthians 13:13









大家匯聚一堂,自由分享成果,發揮所長,創意無限,樂趣無窮,一樂也! (按下閱讀更多)



悅讀散發無限魅力,我們從悅讀中增添喜悅,從悅讀中增廣見識,從悅讀中建立品格,從悅讀中增進情誼。悅讀帶動悅說悅寫,乃無價之寶,自主學習的鑰匙。冀盼繼續多層追求夢想,多元探索想知, 多方尋獲新知,盡享悅讀精華。


Miss Lesy Wong Yim Fong

I am thankful to God for granting me such incredible memories from my Lovely Students and my Passionate Colleagues at Jubilee. My students were sincere and affectionate. They really cared about one another, and always did their best for me. They were warm-hearted and generous too. We developed a close relationship and I would say they are now my friends. I will cherish the years we spent together. My colleagues and I put every effort in to inspire creativity and meaningful methods to motivate and encourage students to learn and to grow. We are not only colleagues but good partners. I am delighted to have worked with them in the past. All of them are always On My Mind!

May God bless the students and the teachers in Jubilee with Lots of Wonder and Joy in the future! God be with You!

I would like to wish everyone at YCMCJPS the very best wishes and congratulations in celebrating the 10th anniversary of the school.

I was very fortunate to be the NET teacher at the school for 6 years ( 2014 - 2019). I loved my time there very much. I was made to feel very welcome and made many special friends.(按下閱讀更多)

I miss the students. Their enthusiasm for learning, respect and diligence was an inspiration. A highlight was travelling to Australia with two groups of students and teachers and getting to know them at a more personal level. I was so impressed with their independence, behaviour and adaptability when representing the school and community as ambassadors in a foreign country.

This was a reflection of the quality of education and pastoral care offered at YCMCJPS and a reflection of the core values instilled by their parents and families.

I admired deeply the dedication, care and warmth of my teaching colleagues and administrative staff. I was fortunate to work with such a professional group.

My sincerest congratulations and good luck for a successful 10th Anniversary celebration and fruitful future. With fondest memories, Mr Trevor.

Mr Trevor Fletcher


6C李芍喬 2C李卓廷家長



Celebration to your Tenth Anniversary

Stand with almighty GOD who blesses our school

Keep on following Him is the golden rule

Help students acquire knowledge with passion

Your teaching team works together with cohesion

Co-operation is highlighted between parents and teachers

Make good use of resources from universities

Coach the students and broaden their horizons with careful nurture

Join hands to cultivate creative youth for the future

Precious years we had were full of gratitude

Strive for the best with the modest attitude


5C 郭施諾家長








4C 蘇虎誠家長

4D 潘霈渝家長

轉眼間小女霈渝已經三年級了, 回想當初小學叩門,最後能夠入讀阮鄭銀禧這大家庭更加珍惜。

霈渝由小一開始都非常投入校園生活,每天放學後都會分享學校趣事,亦感恩學校的導修堂時間,能夠讓囡囡完成當天的功課,即使未能完成的,回家後也會自動自覺地完成。 囡囡在校參加課外活動時,認識不同級別的同學,擴闊自己的朋友圈子,非常開心,而高年級的哥哥姐姐們對學妹都非常關顧。記起有次回校做午膳姨姨,在午休時看見囡囡及同學們都會主動和英文科老師用英語溝通玩得十分投入,感到囡囡在學習上主動性亦提高了。

作為媽媽能夠看到囡囡每天都喜歡上學,愉快放學,是一件感恩的事。 相信老師們對學生循循善誘和關愛,以及學校對學科和教學模式的改革,令學生思維有無窮創意和主動學習的精神,促使囡囡更加投入和享受校園生活。


3A 王芷滺家長

大家好!我是3A 班王芷滺家長,時間飛逝,不經不覺芷滺加入銀禧大家庭已經超過兩年時間了,回想當初芷滺剛升上小學我擔心她不適應小學生活,在開學日看到校長和老師在學校門口歡迎學生,就在一句「夢芹銀禧歡迎你」芷滺笑著走進校園,正式展開小學生涯。芷滺很快適應了小學生活,每天回來和我分享在學校發生的事情。這兩年她除了學會書本上的知識外,還變得更自律和有負責感,善用自己性格發揮強項,喜歡幫助老師同學。在此十分感謝校長主任和老師悉心教導,辛勤付出。


畢業生黃晞桐 黃楚傑家長










時間飛逝,小女伊藍由小二轉到 貴校直至畢業,並考上一間心儀中學,衷心感谢各位師長的悉心教導,使她能夠步向更好的康荘大道,並擁有快樂而充實的校園生活,使她有一個美好的回憶。

本人過去在 貴校曾參加家長義工,獲益良多,也有幸成為夢芹銀禧的一份子。







鍾智傑 2000年畢業生

黃頴霖 2000年畢業生

我是2000年的畢業生, 至今,年過30了,但在阮鄭的回憶卻記憶猶新。 回想起當年我是用轉校生的身份入讀阮鄭夢芹的3年級下午班,畢業至今還是很慶幸自己有幸在夢芹讀過書。




霍俊康 2001年畢業生

陳思頴 2001年畢業生




Happy anniversary YCMCJ!

Other than congrats I wanted to say a huge thank you to YCMCJ for giving me a two-year wonderful primary school life. Being a transfer student was not easy. I needed to adapt to a whole new environment. The teachers were very nice and kind. They spent a lot of time helping me adapt to the local learning environment.

Another good thing that happened at YCMCJ was that I married the love of my life. If I were not a YCMCJ student, I won’t be able to meet my wife Jasmine Chu, who was my classmate! YCMCJ played a huge role in my marriage! A big, big thank You to YCMCJ!

Once again I am proud to be a graduate of YCMCJ and I really love this school.

何鴻樟夫婦 2001年畢業生

封海旋 2002年畢業生



相片: 小學畢業營@麥理浩夫人度假村;畢業後回校探望老師


文家亨 2005年畢業生

江佩穎 2005年畢業生




回想在夢芹銀禧的五年裏,我由戰戰兢兢的一個小女孩變成「橫行無忌」的大女孩,我學懂了勇敢去嘗試不同的事情,我學懂了犯了校規後要承擔責任,我學懂善良、謙卑和分享。 全賴師長的悉心照顧和栽培,讓我在人生的漫漫長路上向著正確的方向前進。


六年小學生活有很多值得感恩的事。最值得一提的是我校的復活節崇拜,還記得每年復活節將近,老師都會在每年級選兩位學生參與崇拜,並到台前獻上心心作奉獻。很慶幸六年的復活節崇拜我都能夠參與其中,奉獻的時候我們要一起説:「萬物皆從主而來 我們把從主而得的獻給主。」



譚天朗 2006年畢業生

李梓彤 2006年畢業生



Wong Ka Yung Harry

I would admit that it is not an easy task to retrieve my primary school memories. Those good old days, almost a decade ago, were full of moments of simple happiness and innocence, something that I miss a lot as an adult.

In my memory, a regular school day started like this - I was on duty as a prefect at the front gate, greeting and welcoming my fellow schoolmates back to our lovely campus. Some of them returned a smile, some might shy away. While waiting to go to the classrooms, they chattered about their favorite cartoon and compared with each other to see whose parents were the best.

I cannot recall what exactly was taught in the class, one thing I am sure of is that the teachers were very nice and patient, even to noisy students like me. The textbooks were inevitably boring, so everyone was basically waiting for the break, then they could rush to the tuck shop for snacks and chase each other along the corridor for fun. Sometimes I might stay in the library as the head librarian, and my favorite part is the exclusive power to use the barcode scanner helping schoolmates borrow books - what a privilege for a 11-year-old.

When school was finally over and everyone could not wait to escape from the lectures, I stayed behind for drama team rehearsals once every week. The play I did was an adventure into the woods and the main characters had to fight against the villain. It was a tough yet rewarding training for me to be confident and adaptable, which is something more important and long-lasting than textbook knowledge.

All these little anecdotes can still make me smile when thinking about them. For most people, primary school is where they shape their own character and make the first batch of friends in their life. Even after so many years, I can still remember the life lessons I have learnt as a kid. Therefore, I am very grateful to YCMC(PM) for providing me with an all-loving environment where I grew up happily and heathily, that helped define who I am today.

This year we celebrate the 10th anniversary with joy, for all the achievements our principals, teachers and students have made in the past decade. Let us all be forward looking and work together to create better memories for the years to come, so one day we can reunite and reminisce the good old days again.

My fond memories of YCMCJ are too many to count, but they date back to knowing my multiplication table in a Primary-2 classroom. This was the first occasion I felt as though I had ever exhausted so much of my brainpower.

Fast forward a year, I found myself in a public speech competition. My first-ever presentation outside of the classroom was the result of hours of guidance from my then English teacher who had challenged me with understanding and supervision. The art of presentation I would then master for the remainder of my life in general, and for my career in particular, stems from this very experience.

My recollection of making two exchange trips to Singapore during the years that followed is still very much vivid. The nights at graduation camp singing karaoke are also highlights of my time at YCMCJ.

I’m proud to be an alumnus here because the place I called home for 6 good years was where my personal and academic growth was always in safe hands.

廖靖鋒 Gabriel Liu 2008年畢業生

Cho Kei Long, Emmanuel


“Grown-up”, it’s not something easily defined, yet every child once longed for it. I was no exception. Ever since I was little, I have been trying to prove it. To parents, to teachers, to friends, to anyone around me. There wasn’t a day I spent not hoping that I could grow up faster. It wasn’t until later that I realise, growing up is not something that simple. Growing up is a journey. Hidden behind these two little words is everything that shaped the person. The time they spent, the work they put in; there are some successes, but lot more failures; every person that appeared in their life, some would be important, but countless just passing by.

If I have to leave words for the juniors, it would be like this: Have fun, enjoy every single moment of your school life. Whenever you feel down, remember the way you came through, and know that you have never been alone. Time doesn’t stop, so keep moving forward. You would only stop growing up when you decide to. Don’t let others decide your path, because the only person who can stop you from growing up, is yourself.


梁文軒 2013年畢業生

曹祈允 2015年畢業生

Seems like only yesterday when I put on that graduation gown and left the place I called home for the past six years. And now, in a blink of an eye, I was entering the fourth year of my secondary school life. Looking back on those years, I remember all the happy memories YCMCJ nurtured, giving me a primary school life that I wouldn't trade for anything. I would like to especially thank my classmates for my final two years in YCMCJ, 2015-2016 Class 6C.

I remember all the crazy moments we had together, how we sang our class song Yesterday Once More day after day, and how we laughed at Peppa Pig like 3-year olds. And to my dearest teachers, I thank you for all your patience. I know it wasn't an easy task taking care of us and nurturing us to be the leaders of tomorrow, but you never gave up on us. If it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't even be near to who I am now. Most of all, I thank the school for giving me the safest and happiest environment possible to grow up and explore in. It was never stressful, never lonely, never upsetting. It was always just a never-ending cycle of curiosity and delight. Thank you, YCMCJ, for my golden childhood and I wish you a happy anniversary.




袁鈺楹 2015年畢業生

鍾敬琛Chung King Sum


Time really flies. It has been 6 years whereas I felt like it has been merely 3 years. The school has always been like a second home for me, where I progress through the hectic school life with my peers. I can still vaguely remember the first time I stepped through the school gates, my heart was filled with excitement and I was eager to start my journey. Who knew studying could have been such an enjoyable experience?

To me, the best moments in the six years would be the annual special learning week in November, when we get to visit different places for learning purposes. I would never forget the day I left the school reluctantly. Though I am quite excited to go to secondary school, my path is full of unknowns. I was unwilling to leave the school, the teachers and my classmates behind.

I am grateful for having the opportunity to study at this school. Thank you for everything.

袁鈺潁 2017年畢業生


