Pragmatics /

Social Skills

Pragmatics and social language skills are important aspects of communication that speech pathologists, also known as speech-language pathologists, focus on when evaluating and treating individuals with communication disorders. Here's how these concepts are defined from a speech pathologist's perspective:

Pragmatics refers to the social aspect of language and how individuals use language in social interactions to convey their intentions, navigate social situations, and understand the meaning behind communication beyond the literal words spoken. Speech pathologists are concerned with pragmatics because it plays a crucial role in effective communication and building and maintaining relationships.

Key components of pragmatics from a speech pathologist's perspective include:

Social language skills, often referred to as pragmatics or pragmatic language skills, encompass a broader range of abilities related to effectively participating in social interactions and conversations. These skills are essential for building and maintaining relationships, succeeding in educational and professional settings, and participating in various social contexts. Speech pathologists work with individuals to develop and improve their social language skills.

Key components of social language skills from a speech pathologist's perspective include:

Speech pathologists work with individuals who may have challenges in these areas, such as individuals with autism spectrum disorder, social communication disorders, or other communication difficulties. They provide assessment, therapy, and strategies to help individuals improve their pragmatic and social language skills, ultimately enhancing their ability to engage in successful social interactions.

Includes strategies, social articles, and graphic organizers to improve conversational skills, language strategies in the classroom, games, and teacher resources.

Includes explicit break-downs of the hidden rules that underlie social interactions, strategies and social articles to address social behavior, visual tools to identify feelings and emotions in self and others, songs and games, teacher resources, and more.

Includes specific lessons, graphic organizers, and workbooks to address the communication and behavioral skills that impact socialization. 

Offers a powerful visual tool to help one group feelings, and accurately label and define emotions.

Provides classroom activities, card sets, and worksheets to enhance perspective-taking skills and expand emotional vocabulary.

This is a Quia Social Skills game called Rags to Riches and targets issues with changing the subject of a conversation, going on tangents, inappropriate changes, body language , eye contact etc.