
Mahesh Wickramasinghe

PhD - Engineering Science

Topic TBA

Kie Purdom

MS - Engineering Science

Topic TBA

Anupiya Ellepola

MS - Engineering Science

Topic TBA

Steven Terracina

MS - Engineering Science (2020)

Remote Sensing : InSAR

Chanler Sampler

BS - Geological Engineering (2021)

Undergraduate research: Mapping methods of Cannabis sativa

Eleanor Dietz

MS - Engineering Science (2019)

UAS and flood infrastructure monitoring

Ryann Lam

BS- Geological Engineering (2019)

(Honor's College)

Effects of grain sorting on proppant crush strength

Tyler Rickettes

MS - Geology (2018)

Using Remote Sensing for Petroleum Exploration in the Barinas Basin of Northwestern Venezuela

Rian Engle

MS - Geology (2018)

Elemental stratigraphy within the Smackover Formation in the southwest Alabama