The War Continues

It was not until May 1756, that Britain officially declared war on France and the two countries began fighting in Europe. French and British colonies in the West Indies, India, and Africa were also drawn into the conflict. For this reason, some historians consider the Seven Years War the first World War. In North America, the French continued their success after the defeat of General Braddock. The French Major General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm led the French in North America. The French continued to use their Native American allies effectively, and defeated the British at Fort Oswego and Fort William Henry.

Louis-Joseph de Montcalm

Great Britain’s prospects for success in America improved though after William Pitt came to power. Pitt served as secretary of state and then as prime minister of Great Britain and was a great military planner. William Pitt was popular among the British colonists living in North America. When Pitt came to power, the British colonies reacted with enthusiastic support for the war. Pitt ordered that colonial manpower and money to be put wholeheartedly into the war. Pitt also sent many more troops to the colonies. To avoid arguments from the colonists about the cost of war, Pitt decided that Great Britain would pay for the war supplies-no matter the cost. Pitt ran up and enormous debt. After the war, the British raised the colonists’ taxes to help pay this debt. Pitt had only delayed the moment when the colonists had to pay their share of the bill.

Pitt Primary Source.pdf

William Pitt ordered a three-pronged attack on French strongholds. He sent British troops to North America under commanders Jeffery Amherst and James Wolfe. In 1758 a British assault recaptured the fortress at Louisburg. The same year a group of New Englanders, led by British officers, captured Fort Frontenac at Lake Ontario. Another British force, led by General John Forbes took Fort Duquesne in Pennsylvania, which was renamed Fort Pitt. Forbes was successful due to his strategy known as "protected advance". As the army moved forward, it would build forts or supply bases at regular intervals. An example of one of these forts that you may have heard of is Fort Ligonier.

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General Forbes Primary Source.pdf