Grad Class

Not sure what to do after high school? 

Only approximately 30-35 percent of the grad class will go on to post-secondary education and for those of you who don’t know what you are doing it is OK . . . not everyone has a plan at this point, but it is not too late to start planning. If you need information to help you with your future you can contact these people.

Scholarship and Financing Resources

These are websites and resources that you should consider in doing your scholarhsip search. Once you sign into one of these sites, you can use your username and password on ALL the other sites. - The Government of Canada Website. - A link to all the provincial student loan websites. - A free website for US scholarships. - information on Canadiancolleges and universities (and high schools) . - information on Canadian career colleges. - Information on Canadian schools for international students. - information on Canadian graduate schools. - information on language schools. - a website where you buy and sell used textbooks.

Canadian banks - for bank loans and lines of credit.

Post Secondary Questions 

Here are some questions you can ask post-secondary representatives when making a decision about where to apply. Make an informed decision! 

1. What are your strongest programs? 

2. What are your admission requirements? 

3. What is the application process for entrance scholarships? 

4. What are the deadlines for application/scholarship? 

5. What size scholarships do you award? 

6. What criteria are considered in the scholarship process? 

7. Are any scholarships guaranteed based on my average ? 

8. Do you offer on campus tours ? How do I register for a tour? 

9. Do you have an Open House? 

10. What is the cost of attending? 

11. What are sources of funding that I should investigate? 

12. How do I know what classes to take? 

13. What on-campus housing is available? How do I apply? a. Is residence guaranteed? b. What are COVID 19 rules for on-campus housing? c. Is off-campus housing available? 

14. What extracurricular activities are available? How do I sign up? 

15. Can I change programmes without restriction within your institution? 

16. Can I transfer to (from) your institution after the first year? 

17. What services to students are available on campus? 

18. What are the services offered at the library? Will I be expected to find things on my own? 

19. What are the sizes of first-year classes? 

20. Is there a place where I can get academic assistance? 

21. What services does the institution provide with respect to computers, the internet and software? 

22. How can I get more information? 

23. What services do you have for students with disabilities? 

24. Are there counselling services available on campus? 

25. What can an academic advisor help me with once I am accepted? 

Need to contact anyone?