Grad FAQ





The thirteen campuses of the Nova Scotia Community College offer certificate, diploma, and advanced diploma programs in applied arts, apprenticeship trades, business, health, human services, technical and technology fields.  Some programs offer a co-operative education component with work terms throughout the entire year.  A High School Graduation Diploma or equivalent is the minimum requirement for admission to most programs, although exceptions are made in some cases.  The tuition for 2016-17 was $3,130.  The application processing begins November 1 on a first-received first assessed basis and the deadline for NSCC applications is March 1.  A resume and cover letter stating your experience related to the program you choose will enhance your application.  Transcripts must accompany applications.  You can sign up online for a test drive to try a program of your choice.  Check the site for updates.



Institutions like the Cape Breton Business College, Mactech Distance Education, Island Career Academy, Career Academy of Canada, Scotia Career Academy and others offer a variety of training programs.  Some examples are:  Security Officer, Interior Decorating, Multi-Media Programs, Computer Training, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality, Office Administration, Business Diplomas, Massage Therapy.  There are various other programs available as well.

See list of Nova Scotia Private colleges: Link



Most degree programs require English 12 and four other Grade 12 academic courses with an average of 60% or higher.  One open category course may be permitted at some universities.

Some universities take a combined average of Grade 11 & 12 English marks and four other academic courses from each grade. 

Specific programs may have special requirements.  For example, most Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programs require Math 12 as a minimum requirement.

Engineering and most Bachelor of Science (BSc) programs require Pre Cal 12 and two Grade 12 science credits.  (Some specify particular science courses).

 Please note:  Possession of the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission to all programs.  Often a higher average is required for acceptance, especially in the more competitive programs.


Bachelor of Arts Degree (3 or 4 years)

The Bachelor of Arts degree is designed to increase knowledge, sharpen critical thinking skills and improve communication abilities.  Graduates of the BA program often take further training to work in fields such as law, social work, teaching, writing, public service and many more.  The BA program may consists of courses in:  Anthropology, Economics, English, History, Communications, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Mi'kmaq Studies and Religious Studies.

Bachelor of Science Degree (3 or 4 years)

The BSc is a degree taken by students who wish to focus on Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Pharmacy and/or Psychology.  Science students are required to take labs, therefore they acquire more hands on experience.  Labs consist of experimentation, research, data collection, observation and much more.  BSc graduates often pursue further study in such fields as chemistry, medicine, education, research, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and dentistry to name a few.

 Bachelor of Business Administration Degree or Bachelor of Commerce Degree (4years)

The BBA program is intended to prepare students for self-employment, for careers in private and public enterprise, cooperatives, and public service.  Graduates work in various areas of business - from purchasing to production, from finance to marketing.  Prospective careers include accounting, banking, insurance, public administration and many more.  The BBA consists of courses in accounting, Canadian Studies in business, economics, finance, information technology, marketing, organizational behavior, industrial relations, and tourism marketing and management.

The following programs are more specialized and are offered at various schools:

This list is by no means complete.  Students who are interested in a specific career should investigate the related programs.


List of AARAO (Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers) Institutions:

Post-Secondary Representatives Attending:



 Steps to be taken in applying to universities, business colleges, technical institutes, community colleges, etc.

Check application deadlines! Do so especially for programs like music.  Students who want to apply for entrance scholarships at universities must have their applications in by a certain deadline.

Utilize all available help in making decisions about your future plans:

a) (link)

b) Careers Canada

c) National Occupational Classification

d)  Interview with Counsellor

e) Job Shadow (Many businesses welcome a student)

f) Internet

g) Career Options 

Consider carefully all of the institutions which offer the training required for your choice of occupation.  Choose institutions that seem best able to offer the courses that you will need.  Calendars and literature on most training and educational institutions in Atlantic Canada and many others are available in the Guidance Office.  Check to see that you have the required courses from high school to be eligible for entry to your chosen program.

Most universities use on-line applications only. Some paper applications are available in the Guidance Office or can be downloaded from the school website.


Steps to be taken in applying to universities, business colleges, technical institutes, community colleges, etc.

1.  Fill out your application form(s) very carefully, making sure that you give every bit of information that is required.  Do this neatly and accurately. Be sure to sign your application.  It cannot be processed otherwise.

2.  A non-refundable application processing fee is required by most universities.  Check to see how much is required and get a money order or personal cheque to cover this amount, made out to the Registrar of the institution (cash will not be accepted).  A credit Card is required to apply online.

3.  If you are a scholarship candidate with at least an 85 average, you should send a resume with your application - include all extra-curricular activities.  Some applications may have a scholarship section that requires this type of information.

4.  Obtain a transcript request form from the guidance office, fill it out completely before returning the form with payment.  A fee of  $2.00  for each transcript is  payable to the guidance office at the time of ordering the transcript. Transcripts can be picked up and sent with your application 

5.  If you prefer, the Guidance Office can see that your transcript is sent to the address you have indicated on your transcript request form.  These will be found on the application form itself.   The Guidance Office requires 7 days to process and mail a transcript, so make sure you give us enough time before the deadline.  The marks on your transcript are the final grades achieved in Grade 10, 11 as well as Grade 12 first semester finals and a list of second semester courses in which you are enrolled.

6.  Mail your application, processing fee and resume if applicable.



Entrance Scholarships

For most universities in Nova Scotia they will offer entrance scholarships automatically depending on your average. This gets calculated when you apply with your transcript of marks in February.  This average is calculated differently from university to university and may start at different levels depending on the institution. It is best to check out the website of the institution that you are applying for to see what criteria they are using.  

School Scholarships

For external and internal scholarships that may be offered by Sydney Academy all the information can be found on our scholarship page. Link 


FINAL MARKS, JUNE:  you are responsible for sending your own final grade 12 marks to the institution of your choice when you receive them in June.  A photocopy is usually sufficient.  Two copies of your transcript are provided with your diploma.



MS.  Leah Cyr-Donovan - COUNSELLOR

MS. Jennifer Macdonald - COUNSELLOR



 Applying for university in the United States

DOE credits for Graduation 2020.pdf