Eating At School

🌀 Characteristics and Sample Goals

Healthy Food Environments 

All members of the school community have access to healthy, nutritious, and delicious food each day.


Subject to change upon review.

🌀 Practices

Continuously improve Breakfast Programs

Create and maintain a School Garden

An Introduction to Gardening Curriculum (Ecology Action Centre) 

Increase Food Literacy with Canada’s Food Guide 

Bring Agriculture into the Classroom

Get Cooking With Kids

Create Food & Weight Neutral Classrooms

🌀 Programs + Frameworks

Start a Farm to School vegetable/fruit snack program

Dietitians 4 Teachers

Plants to Plates

Nourish Food and Film Challenge

Do you have a practice, program, or framework you are using successfully at your school to foster healthy food environments? 

Or one that you'd like to try?

Please let us know by submitting this Google form!