School Advisory Councils (SACs) play an important role in supporting student success at the community-level.

SACs are volunteer organizations that receive their authority from the Education Act (2018). The establishment of SACs and their roles and responsibilities are set out in the Education Act and the Ministerial Education Act Regulations.

Parents/guardians and community members who want to get involved in their school’s SAC can contact the school principal. Each RCE and the CSAP have a staff person who is responsible for supporting SACs.

SAC Co-Chairs: Stephanie DesRosiers & Laura D'Entremont

SAC Secretary: Ann Grosset

Principal: Isaac Schurman (SMES), Bernice Jackson (KDS) & Paula Shehata (DRES)

School Support Staff Member: Janien Mainwaring & Susan Kennie

Community Representative: Marlene Connell 

See below for access to this year's information from our SAC.

Scheduled Meeting Dates & Meeting Minutes 2024-2025: Meetings begin at 6:00 pm.

Here is the SAC Annual Report for 2022-2023 for the joint SAC between SMES, DRES & KDS. Should you have any questions, please contact your child's school.

SAC Annual Report.pdf