School Advisory Council (SAC)

What are School Advisory Councils?

School advisory councils (SACs) bring together teachers, support staff, parents and community members in a consultative capacity to increase the quality of education that is being provided by a school.

SACs are legally recognized bodies which are intended to give parents and the community a say in what goes on at a school, from policies to extra-curricular programs, fundraising and more.

A school advisory council operates under a letter of agreement with the region and the Education and Early Childhood Development which outlines the council's composition and the responsibilities of the council, board and department.

When there is a school advisory council in place, students benefit by seeing parents and the community take a more active role in their education. They also have more opportunities to connect the school with the broader community.

Principals, teachers and schools report that SACs result in increased support and feedback about the education process from parents and other community members, giving them a better understanding of community expectations. It also helps them gain community support for changes needed in the school.

Read more about School Advisory Councils here.

SAC Members 2023-2024


Chairperson Matthew Smith

Vice Chairperson Jonathan Sheppard

Karin Rawding

Laura Martin

Dollie  Campbell

Tara Atkins

Alyssa Short- Chair of Active Living


Megan Gallant

Nick Whynot - Wildcat Community


Cindy Arsenault - Principal


Jennifer Weare - Grade P/1


     Esme Reinheart-Smith - Grade 10

Lily Rawding- Grade 10