School Policies

Our School

At Northeast Kings Education Centre is a grades 6-12 school with a population of approx. 900 students drawing from 14 communities in the County of Kings.  We have almost 90 staff members supporting our school community.  We pride ourselves in being a very supportive staff team that works diligently in supporting all students to meet with success in their courses.  We work hard at building strong relationships with our students and doing the extra things outside of the typical school day that makes a big difference in the experience that our students receive at our school. 

Expectations for Success

The child has one intuitive aim: self development. He desperately wants to develop his resources, his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. He wants to do and see and learn for himself through his senses and not through the eyes of an adult. He becomes a full person. He is educated.”

School Expectations

All expectations governing conduct at Northeast Kings Education Centre are based on the premise that our mutual responsibility is to provide a safe, respectful, and enjoyable learning environment for all students attending Northeast Kings Education Centre.  It is expected that all staff, parents/guardians and students will take responsibility for their respective role in the provision of that environment.  Expectations are posted on the website, in classrooms and throughout the school 

School Expectations


All expectations governing conduct at Northeast Kings Education Centre are based on the premise that our mutual responsibility is to provide a safe, respectful, and enjoyable learning environment for all students attending Northeast Kings Education Centre.  It is expected that all staff, parents/guardians and students will take responsibility for their respective role in the provision of that environment.  Expectations are posted on the website, in classrooms and throughout the school.

Our school matrix of expected behaviours is posted in all of our classrooms. It is also available on our website.

Students, parents and staff must take their responsibility to promote positive attitudes and behaviours.  As a school community, we will promote positive behaviours and hold students responsible for their actions and behaviours.


Expectations for Success

      To be respectful of others.                       

      To use appropriate language.       

      To dress appropriately.      

      To attend classes and to be on time.

      To put forth your best effort in class.              

      To have a positive attitude.


Respectful Citizens (real and digital)

It is expected that everyone at Northeast Kings promotes a culture of respect for themselves, for others and for our school.  This includes positive, appropriate and respectful behaviours and language in person and through social media in all parts of the school campus and online as a digital citizen.  This also includes all school functions and events both at Northeast Kings and elsewhere. (i.e. Hockey games).  Students are expected to use appropriate language that is non-offensive.  Failure to abide by this policy will result in negative consequences.



All students attending Northeast Kings Education Centre are expected to attend every class every day unless there is a legitimate excuse provided by the student’s parent/guardian. Middle School students should give their note to homeroom teachers. Written excuses for senior high students should be brought to our student supervision desk in the lobby to be documented.

Homeroom teachers and subject teachers will maintain daily attendance records.

Students who arrive late or leave early must report to the student supervision desk and sign out properly in the lobby.

A student who has a verified skipped class or who is repeatedly late will result in seeing an impact on their course grades. A student that skips a class will receive a zero on all assessments unless their teacher gives them an opportunity to make up for the missed work outside of the classroom time.  Students who are inexcusably absent/late will be dealt with under our excessive lost time policy.


A student must be in attendance during the school day in order to participate in any school function or activity that day, including after school and evening events, such as a dance or a sporting event.

Parents/guardians should not write excuses for errands, unessential appointments or part-time work. This devalues the importance of school attendance.  Having an excuse for a missed class will be recorded but counts towards the total classes missed for each course.


Attendance issues or conduct disciplinary action may result in a student losing eligibility for extracurricular activities including dances.


Students receiving a suspension will not be eligible to attend the following school dance.


Excessive Lost Time Policy for Grade 9-12

When a student misses five (5) classes in a specific course the subject teacher will contact home expressing concern for the missed time.  If a student misses 10 classes of a specific subject a letter will be sent home and to the Centre of Education expressing our concern for your poor attendance and asking what we can do to support the student.  When a student misses 15 classes of a specific course, administration will contact home requesting a parent/guardian and student meeting to discuss the severity of the situation and develop a plan of expectations for the student to not miss any more class time. 

Medical situations will be treated on an individual basis.  This provincial policy recognizes that there are many extenuating circumstances that require a different course of action (i.e.: hospital stay, death in the family, medical excuse, etc.)  We will deal with these special circumstances on a case-by-case basis. 

Students are expected to attend homeroom in the morning. 

Late to Class Expectation

A student who misses homeroom periods or who continuously arrives late for homeroom without an acceptable excuse will be issued a detention. Our late policy is that on a third “late” for a class a detention will be given to the student. On the sixth “late” for a class, two detentions will be assigned. On the ninth “late” for a class, the student will be assigned a half day internal suspension. On a 12th “late”, the student will receive a one-day internal suspension. If a student fails to appear at detention, she/he will receive a suspension (internal suspension if possible).

Please keep in mind that we are all responsible for our own actions.  We need to arrive at a scheduled class on time.  Together we can be respectful and make Northeast Kings Education Centre a safe and caring school.


Headgear Policy

Students may wear headgear in the morning in the hallways and the foyer until the 8:55 am bell.  They may also wear headgear after the 3:15 pm bell.  Student safety is a major priority for our staff.  Students must remove all other headgear that has any sort of brim or covers the face, that could hide the identity of the individual, throughout the day.  Headgear can hide the identity of someone and we need to make sure that our school campus has no unwanted and unknown guests on our property at all times.  Students who are repeatedly asked to remove headgear with a brim will be assigned a detention or have their headgear confiscated until the end of the school day.

Clothing Expectations

Students are expected to come to school in a manner of dress suited to a public school environment. For example, no revealing of undergarments or no short shorts/skirts will be permitted.


Clothing with offensive words, slogans or graphics is considered inappropriate. Any clothing or jewelry that promotes sexually suggestive messages, racism, alcohol, drugs or tobacco products are inappropriate for school or school-related events.

Anyone wearing inappropriate or offensive clothing will be asked to change their clothing or need to go home.


Unscheduled Class Time

Grade 12 students may have one preparation (Prep) period.  When students have their preparation period they may sign out of the school through the student supervisor, work in the library, or go to the cafeteria if that period does not coincide with the Middle Level recess or lunch period.  Students may not be in the hallway.  Grade 12 students on “prep” periods may choose to sit quietly in the foyer.  Excessive noise or inappropriate behaviour will result in loss of this privilege. Grade 12 students must sign out with our Student Supervisor before leaving school grounds for any reason. 

Grade 12 students can apply for a second prep if they donate some of their prep time back to our school.  Students must complete all paperwork to get permission.  All grade 12 students must take at least three semestered courses or equivalent  per semester to attend our school.  Two year-long courses equals one semestered course..


Leaving School Grounds

Northeast Kings is a closed campus.  All students are expected to remain at school throughout the school day.  Students are not permitted to leave school property. Only Grade 12 students with a preparation (prep) period or on a break may leave school grounds by signing out with our student supervisor. We will do a one month trial period for our grade 11 students to leave our school campus only during break time.  If collectively they can handle this responsibility and not return late for any class we will continue this privilege as long as they can meet our expectations placed on them.

All Grades 6-10 students are not permitted to leave school grounds for any reason unless picked up by a parent / guardian.  The wooded area around the school is completely out of bounds for grade 6-10 students.  Any student found in that area will receive a suspension (half day internal suspension for the first offense, one day internal for second offense, one day external for third offense and three day external suspension for each following offense.) Any further offenses will be a three-day external suspension. Students must remain on school property.



Electronic Hand Held Device Policy

(Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptops or Game Devices).

We strongly suggest that students keep these devices at home.  If a student chooses to bring their device to school, they must take full responsibility if their device is left unattended and it goes missing.  The use of all electronic devices must take place in the foyer or outside only during break time.  They are not allowed to be used in the classroom unless the classroom teacher gives permission.  Use of phones to take pictures or digital cameras is strictly prohibited at school.


Smoking and Vaping Policy

Students in Grade 11 (during the one month trial period) or 12 homerooms may leave school property to enter a designated area just off of school grounds with written permission from a parent or guardian. 

Only students with permission will receive a smoking pass to leave school property and enter the designated area.  Students are only allowed in the area until the bell at 8:55 and during lunch and recess breaks.  Students caught smoking or vaping elsewhere on school property during the school day will receive a 5-day external suspension.  Students visibly displaying cigarettes, vapes or other smoking/vaping products outside of the designated smoking area will be suspended for five days as well. Students in Grades 6-10 are not permitted to smoke at school.  If caught smoking, they will receive an automatic 5-day school suspension.

The intent of allowing Grade 11 & 12 students with written parental consent to leave school property is to keep students, who smoke or vape, safe.  It allows us to better manage these students and to keep them off of the highway and out of the woods.  We do provide addictions counseling services at school and invite all students who require such services to please take advantage of them.  We encourage all students to be non-smokers and non-vapers.

We want you to be as healthy as possible. 

Students are not permitted to leave school grounds during instructional time at any time for the purpose of smoking or vaping.  The wooded areas surrounding the school are completely out of bounds during class time and for all grade 6-10 students.

The school smoking and vaping policy will be strictly enforced.




Behaviour on School Bus

There are a large number of buses transporting students at Northeast Kings. 

The safety of all students is at risk when some students do not adhere to behavioural expectations while on the bus.  The staff at Northeast Kings Education Centre in collaboration with the bus company will work to help educate students as to the importance of acceptable and safe behaviour while on the bus. Failure to behave responsibly and to show respect will result in students losing their privilege of taking the bus. 

We are asking for your support by discussing appropriate behaviours on the bus with your child.  Please note that bus drivers will be asked to implement seating plans on all school buses.  Also remind your child that they must catch the bus at the appropriate bus stop. Students can only go on another bus if they have a signed note from home and it has been verified at our office.


Drug and Alcohol Use Prohibited

Any drug or alcohol use is strictly prohibited at school or at any school events.  Students caught using these substances will be automatically suspended from school. NOTE:  Students smelling of marijuana will receive a three-day external suspension for being in association with drugs. Students will need to undergo intervention through our guidance services or other agencies before or on returning to school.  Addiction services for drug, alcohol and nicotine use can be accessed through our Student Services or School Administration. 


We take our drug / alcohol policy seriously.  There is no room for these substances at Northeast Kings Education Centre. Please cooperate by abiding by this policy.



Technology Use Policy

Northeast Kings Education Centre is fortunate to be rich in technology.  It is a privilege for our learning community to have access to technology to support learning.  Students must use computers and Chromebooks in appropriate ways. This includes both treating equipment and facilities with respect as well as only engaging in activities directly related to education.  For example, computers or Chromebooks are not to be used for games; only appropriate sites are to be visited; all communication must be appropriate and through proper accounts.  All Chromebook and computer use will be closely monitored by staff.  Failure to abide by this policy will result in disciplinary action including loss of privilege.  The Chromebook you are responsible for must be treated with care and caution.  If the Chromebook you are responsible for is damaged through negligence on your part you will be fully responsible to pay for all repairs or complete replacement.  Chromebook replacement is $350.00.  If your Chromebook charging cable wears out please return it to our administration office for a replacement.  If your charger is lost or mistreated resulting in it breaking you will need to pay $35.00 for a replacement charging cable.

Students are granted a print credit of 200 pages of print with their student fee payment.  Additional print credit may be purchased at the Admin Office in increments of $1.00 per 20 copies from the secretary. 



High School Course Changes

Please be advised that considerable effort has gone into course registration and timetable development.  Due to limited course offering based on staffing allocation, course changes will only be considered in the case of (1) medical conditions or circumstances supported by documentation signed by a physician; (2)as required by an IPP or student with special needs; (3) as required by a Grade 12 student who must have a specific course as a prerequisite for a program of studies in a post-secondary institution, and in this case only if space is available; and (4) when the unanticipated failure of a particular course requires a modification to the selected courses for the following semester.


Every effort is made to ensure that students get the courses they prefer.  However, we can only guarantee the courses required for graduation and special consideration for courses required for a program of studies in a post-secondary institution.  Those students who register during the regular course registration process in the spring will have a better opportunity of getting requested courses.  However, restricted course offering and space in classes may make this impossible.

We consider our timetabling efforts successful when students are able to get 7 of the 8 requested courses.  Quite often, students do get 8 of 8 requests. The key to good course selection is to follow the process clearly during registration in the spring of each year.


Extra-curricular Eligibility Policy


Students do have an academic responsibility.  Failure to live up to academic responsibilities will result in ineligibility for extra-curricular activities.

Whenever a teacher wishes to submit a name of a student who is in compliance with the Student-Athlete or Student Extra-Curricular Contract, the teacher can submit the name to one of the following committee members: Mr. Sanford, Mr. Bentley, Mrs. Baldwin or Mr. Veinot. All other teachers of that student and administration will then be contacted as to the status of the individual, and the committee will evaluate the situation on a student- by- student basis.


Based on the information collected from teachers, if the committee determines that the student is not living up to their responsibilities, they will be placed on a five school day academic probation. If no improvement is made during the time period then the student will be suspended from all extra-curricular activities for a five school day period. If no improvement is seen at that time the student will then be suspended from all extra-curricular activities for one month. Still no improvement, then they will be suspended for the remainder of their activity.  Once a student is placed on academic probation, they remain in the cycle.


Decisions about continued student involvement in extracurricular activities will be based on the following criteria:

      Academic performance – Is the student completing required assignments and working to the best of their ability?  Students must be working consistently in all classes.

      Behaviour – Is the student behaving in a manner respectful to the school and school-community?

      Attitude – Does the student exhibit positive attitudes that reflect the expectations for success as outlined in our school policy?

      Attendance - Is the student demonstrating consistent, on-time school attendance and providing required excuses when absent ?


** Please keep in mind that this policy is developed to help students understand the importance of responsibility at school.

It is not meant to punish students, but to reinforce that we all have responsibilities that must be met.

 Race Relations – Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights (RCH)

The Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights Policy of the AVRCE will be followed.  In addition, Northeast Kings Education Centre will provide a supporting educational component:

All students at Northeast Kings Education Centre are respected and treated equitably.  We have absolutely no tolerance for racial, ethnic or gender intolerance.  These types of disrespectful actions will have serious consequences.  We want every student to feel safe and supported and see their culture reflected in our school environment.


Detention Policy – Detentions may be assigned as a result of the Northeast Kings Education Centre expectation policy for students to be respectful citizens.  Detentions may be classroom based and assigned by a teacher.  Detentions may also be assigned by school administration and served through the office.  Failure to show for an assigned detention will result in further and stricter consequences.


Student & Staff Parking

Staff and Students may park in any of the parking spaces.  There are 210 parking spaces in the parking lots of Northeast Kings Education Centre.  Students need to fill out a student parking permit at the office.  Please bring your driver's license, insurance card, and plate number when registering to the office.

Only students who register will be permitted to bring a vehicle to school.  Students who do not drive responsibly or who use their vehicle to leave school grounds without following school policy will lose their privilege of parking their vehicle at school.

Please remember:  It is a privilege to bring a vehicle to school.  Failure to be responsible will result in loss of this privilege.




All students will be assigned a locker and will be given a combination lock to place on their locker.  Students will be held responsible for both the locker and the lock and are to use only their assigned locker and the lock assigned to them.  Both the locker and lock remain the property of Northeast Kings Education Centre and may be examined at any time by the Administrative staff.


Extra-Curricular Involvement

Students are strongly encouraged to become involved in at least one extra-curricular activity.

Eligibility to remain in an extracurricular activity (ies) is outlined in the Extra-curricular Eligibility Policy outlined above.


Extra-curricular activities are intended as enrichment activities that will expand and enhance a student’s school experiences.  Extra-curricular activities also involve a commitment from staff, community, and students.  A student may not quit, for example, one sport in order to join another team simply because their seasons overlap.  Such action will lead to ineligibility for the remainder of the playing season of the sport they quit.


Students owing textbooks, library books and school property including team uniforms may not be eligible for extra-curricular programs and activities (including school dances) until their account is settled.



School Excursions or Trips

Please be advised that when on school excursions or trips, including all extra-curricular activities, students are expected to be excellent representatives of Northeast Kings Education Centre.  We always demonstrate positive and respectful behaviours. We also need parental permission on consent forms for all school trips before any student can attend any trip.

Breakfast & Lunch Program

We are fortunate to have some caring members of our staff and community who volunteer to provide time and funding for a nutritious start to the day for many students.  Any students who require food are invited to access these foods off the cart in the cafeteria or the Student Supervision Desk.

School Access (Middle & High School)

The two major wings of Northeast Kings Education Centre were designed to accommodate two different grade levels of students.  Except in shared areas or under special circumstances, Middle School students should not be in the High School area of the school or grounds and High School students should not be in the Middle School Level area of the building or grounds.



After School Hours Social Events

School dances, coffee houses, games nights, etc. are a wonderful opportunity for students to socialize.  Staff and parents volunteer their time to chaperone these events.  These events are considered a privilege.  Any students caught under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be barred from future social events for an indefinite period of time.  Any students suspended from school for any reason are ineligible to attend the following social event such as a school dance.

Clothing Expectations are in effect while at these social events.

Scent Smart and Nut Smart

Out of respect for the increasing number of persons with environmental sensitivities to scents and nuts, Northeast Kings Education Centre will be designated a scent smart and nut smart campus.  Please do not wear any scented products and try to not bring nut products to school.


Student Fees

Student Fee - $30.00 per student

Covers cost of Student Council Activities;  $10.00; cultural, social and sporting activities for students; $10.00 printer fees for paper, equipment and uniforms; $5.00,  student enrichment activities (PP assemblies, exploratories, fine arts presentations, hypnotist, etc.); $3.00  Lock rental, Student ID $2.00                                        

Family Rate – There is $50.00 maximum student fee per family regardless of grade level.


Evaluation of Curriculum Outcomes

Grades 6, 7 and 8 – There will be no formal school exams written by Middle Level students.  There will be a provincial assessment for grade six and eight students for Math and English Language Arts.  The intent of this policy is to reaffirm the importance of daily work and effort.  Student assessment will be represented by a variety of strategies and tools and teachers will inform students and parents about evaluation procedures at the beginning of each school year.

Grades 9 – 12 Student assessments will be both formative and summative through a variety of strategies. Teachers will inform students and parents about assessment and  evaluation procedures at the beginning of each school year. Parents and students will have access to the Parent/Student Portal so they can follow their child’s assessment results and attendance on a daily basis.

Exams will be valued from 10%  to 20% of the overall course grade.  All students, with the exception of designated IPP students, will write exams.  Exams are mandatory, if the exam is not written, the course is not complete.  Adapted exams will be made accessible to identified students.  Exams will be written within a schedule.  There will be one final exam at the end of each semester.  Students enrolled in AP (Advanced Placement courses) will write an AP exam in May.

All High School courses will be assessed as a cumulative grade which means the grade a student has at any time is their actual grade in the course at that time.