Northeast Kings Education Centre

Northeast Kings Education Centre would like to thank the Egg Farmers of Nova Scotia for their generous $3000 donation toward our Hot Lunch Program.  With matching funds from the Rotary Club of Kentville, this generous donation will feed several of our students a hot meal while at school.

Day 4

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025


Sr. Boys Hockey

The Sr. boys hockey team's next home game is this Friday evening at 7:30 pm in Canning against a very strong Avon View Avalanche side.  This should be a very exciting and competitive game, so please come out and show your Titan pride.

Bake Sale

The Environmental Committee will hold a bake sale on Thursday, please note this was originally scheduled for Friday but has been moved. They are raising money for cigarette cans, helping to make the environment cleaner one step at a time. Bring some cash on Friday to celebrate Valentine’s Day with yummy treats while supporting a good cause!

Sr Girls Softball

Any high school girl interested in trying out for the Softball Team should sign up outside of Mr. Smith’s room, and attend the meeting next Tuesday, February 18, at the beginning of lunch in Mr. Smith’s room.

Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball 

The Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball teams are hosting Regionals this Weekend at the school. On Friday, February the 14th the Boys will start things off at 2 PM and the Girls will play at 4 PM. With it being Valentine’s Day, our canteen will be selling roses for 5.00 each. Each rose will be wrapped with a blank note so that you can write a note to your Valentine Sweetheart. The canteen will be open to purchase some snacks for the afternoon. Make sure you bring some extra cash and support your Varsity Boy and Girl Basketball Titans!!

Employment Support

Support for your employment related questions or resources is available from Nova Scotia Works. See Melanie in the library all day today.

Middle School Boys Basketball

Good luck to the boys today as they travel to EMS for the district final. If the boys win they qualify for the final four regionals and if they lose they travel to Saint Mary’s Bay next week for a challenge game. 

JV Girls Basketball

The JV girls basketball team finished off their season last night with an exhibition game against Bridgetown. The girls were led offensively by Bailey Parrish, Haya Ali and Elena Hale while Yehyun Seo, Emma Osmond and Morgan Linton led the defensive attack.  The coaches want to thank the players for their dedication to the team all year and for making each practice and game a positive experience. A special thank you to our graduating senior Grethen Rafuse for her leadership and contributions to the team!  

Spirit Squad 

There will be a spirit squad meeting tomorrow at lunch for 10 minutes.  

Today in middle school is peace and love day.  We hope you wore Tie Dye!  Tomorrow is dress like your teacher day.