Breakfast, Recess & Lunch  INFO

Ordering recess and lunch: We will have a weekly order form that is sent out to parents electronically and a paper copy.  We hope this helps your family plan recess and lunch for the week and make your mornings less hectic.  Milk can be purchased online for the week ($2.00) or daily from the canteen for $0.40.  Food will be made from scratch as much as possible. Our aim is to serve tasty, wholesome food so students can thrive in health and learning.  Here are a few helpful tips that will help things run smoothly.

    - To lessen the amount of cash handling please sign up online for the School Cash Online System.

- Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact the SchoolCash Online parent help desk by visiting:

- Online orders can be made up until 11:59pm on Sunday evening for the upcoming week. 

- Please complete individual weekly paper order forms for each child in the family IF you are not ordering online. 

- Daily orders are accepted but completing the online weekly order form is the preferred method. 

Breakfast will be offered daily. It will be served in the classrooms to promote social distancing. As always, anyone is welcome to have some breakfast. We know that students come to school without food and are hungry for a variety of reasons. Breakfast is free. If a student is hungry at any time during the school day, we will have some extra meals and snacks available each day. 

May 2024 menu.pdf
May 13 - 17, 2024.pdf
May 20-24, 2024.pdf
May 27 -31, 2024.pdf
Cafe Recess Menu Pics Jan 2023.pdf
Cafeteria descriptions-new menu without descriptions.pdf