Useful Links

On this page are some useful links that may be helpful throughout the school year.

Learners Dictionary by Merriam-Webster

This dictionary is fabulous for students! It provides definitions in easy-to-understand, accessible language, so you aren't still left wondering what a word means even after you look it up!

Click on the logo to the left to be taken to this online dictionary.

Dictionary and Thesaurus by Merriam-Webster: North America's most-trusted online dictionary

The dictionary by Merriam-Webster is North America's most trusted online dictionary for English word definitions, meanings, and pronunciation. #wordsmatter

Click on the logo to the left. From this link, you can choose either 'Dictionary' or 'Thesaurus' depending on which one is most useful!

Paragraph Examples

The embedded webpage to the left provides paragraph examples of different types of writing you will be asked to do throughout the year. It includes examples of: narrative writing, persuasive writing, process writing, compare/contrast writing, and many more.

Use the scroll-bar at the right to scroll down to find the type of writing you want to see an example of.