
November 12 - Grade 7 Band 8:00 am - Be there 10 minutes early to set up

September 2019

October 29 - Grade 8 Band

October 22 Grade 7 Band

October 15 - Grade 8 band

Grade 8 Band rehearsal every Week 2 Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. Students should arrive 10 minutes early to get set up.

Grade 7 Band rehearsal every Week 1 Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. Students should arrive 10 minutes early to get set up.

Jazz Band rehearses every Thursday after school until 4:00

Grade 8 First rehearsal - September 24

Grade 7 First rehearsal - October 1

Jazz Band First rehearsal - September 26th

April 25

Annapolis Valley Music Festival - Theatre Arts Building - Wolfville NS

Grade 7 Band plays on Tuesday, April 30 at 11:30. Full band rehearsal before we leave.

Grade 8 Band play on Wednesday, May 1 at 11:15. Full band rehearsal before we leave.

Students remember: lunch money or a packed lunch, water bottle and snack(s), concert dress, instrument, music

Parents are welcome to come. There is a small fee charged at the door.

All students are now working out of the Standard of Excellence Book 2. Please make sure you bring your book to class.

Jazz Band - Thursdays after school until 4

All students need a Standard of Excellence Book 2 to use this year and a folder for their music. Please put your name on everything.

Interested in playing in the Fall River Primos Jazz Band? This is a new program run out of the Joyful Sounds music studio. Here's a link for more information and how to sign up.