Body Image Tasks

HEALTHY LIVING 9 UNIT: Body Image and Stereotypes in the Media

Complete the 5 unit tasks.

You will be given 6 class hours of class time to complete these tasks, which is more than enough time.


If you need extra time, see Ms. Hutt to make arrangements.

Once you have finished all the tasks you will pass them in as one final document. The tasks can be answered on loose leaf or in a google doc (printed). If using a Google Doc, please copy and paste the questions.

Please either provide the question AND answer, or write the answer in complete sentences. One word answers are not acceptable, as they will not fully answer the questions.

Please note:

Some of these tasks involve watching/listening to videos. Please bring your own headphones/ear buds to class with you for the remainder of our HL classes! If you do not have any, please be prepared to use a class set.

Body image and media stereotypes about gender and sexuality are important and sensitive topics. Please treat this topic with the respect it deserves. Remember to be mindful of your words/actions, and be aware of those around you. You are expected to share your opinions and feelings in an appropriate manner while respecting everyone.

Marking Scheme:

Outcome:9.16: Examine issues around hyper-sexualization of girls and sexualization of women and how these phenomena can contribute to violence, affect body image and self-esteem, and impact relationships.


You exceeded expectations and showed an excellent understanding of the outcomes. All questions were answered completely and in full sentences. Learner used thoughtful and appropriate language to address this important and sensitive topic. Each answer was thoughtful and answered to the best of your ability. Class time was consistently used well. You did not waste time, distract others or interrupt the work flow.

3 / 3+

You demonstrated a very good understanding of the learning outcomes. Learner used thoughtful and appropriate language to address this important and sensitive topic. All questions were answered in full sentences. Learner used thoughtful and appropriate language to address this important and sensitive topic. Class time was consistently used well. You did not waste time, distract others or interrupt the work flow.

2 / 2+

You demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of the learning outcomes. Learner used inappropriate language that did not respect the importance and sensitivity of this topic. Most questions were answered, but needed more detail and thought. Class time was wasted and/or class disruptions occurred.

1 / 1+

Tasks were not submitted and/or did not meet minimum requirements.

TASK 1: Body Image Diversity in Society

Answer these questions in full sentences if you have not copied over the question. One word answers are not acceptable. Make sure you explain your answer and that you use appropriate language. Be mindful that this is a sensitive topic!

  1. What are ways in which we are all different from each other? An example is height. Please provide at least 5 others.

2. For each of the traits you listed in question 1, provide examples of people differ in these traits.

Example: Height

People have varying heights. Some people are short, while others are tall. The average height also differs for men and women.

Trait #1:


Trait #2:


Trait #3:


Trait #4:


Trait #5:


3. What does the media and pop culture tell us an “attractive” female looks like?

4. What does the media and pop culture tell us an “attractive” male look like?

5. Is it possible for somebody to fit the stereotype of being “attractive” and not be well liked? How is this?

6. Is it possible for somebody not fit the stereotype of being “attractive” yet be very well liked? How is this?

7. Can the media portrayals of “attractive” people be a negative thing? Why or why not?

Task 2: Stereotypes

  1. What is a stereotype? You can look up the definition, but please write your answer in your own words!
  2. Think of your social media use, TV shows and movies you watch, podcasts you might listen to, and magazines or other media that you read. Think about how the media portrays the following groups. Fill give at least 2 stereotypes for each gender and sexual-orientation listed below.



Heterosexual Males

Homosexual Males

Heterosexual Females

Homosexual Females

3. Why do you think these stereotypes exist?

4. How does the media capitalize on (take advantage) of these stereotypes? Explain.

5. Is any harm being caused by the capitalization of the media on these stereotypes? Please be detailed in your explanation.

6. How can the depictions of homosexual people be damaging to the way that:

Heterosexual people view/treat homosexual people?

Homosexual people view themselves?

7. How can you, as an individual, combat these harmful stereotypes to ensure a better tomorrow?

Task 3: Body Image: TV Show Characters

Watch “Gabrielle’s dress” at:

1. Was Gabrielle portrayed as an attractive or an unattractive person? What characteristics did she exhibit that led you to give this answer?

2. Was the gardener portrayed as an attractive or an unattractive person? What characteristics did he exhibit that led you to give this answer?

3. What did Gabrielle do to try and fit into her old dress? Why did she want to fit into her dress so badly?

4. Can this clip lead to body image issues for some viewers? Why or why not?


“Exercising Mommy Moment” at:

“Juanita wants to wear makeup” at:

“Bargaining” from “Desperate Housewives” at:

5. Why does Juanita want to wear makeup?

6. Where do the body image issues begin in this family? How can they work to improve these misinformed beliefs?

Watch “Prom video – Friends” at:

7. What body image issues appear in this video?

8. How did the writers of this clip take advantage of societal expectations of “beauty”?

9. Why does Rachel want to get her nose operated on?

10. What is this clip saying about societal expectations for women?

11. Use the Internet to search for advertisements for clothing, makeup, sports gear, etc. Try to find ones aimed at your age group (teens). Find one ad that you feel does not reflect a realistic or healthy body image. Find another that you feel does reflect a realistic or healthy body image. Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) comparing and contrasting the two ads. How are they different? How are they the same? What is your opinion of those ads in relation to body image?

Task 4: Gender Stereotypes in Childhood

1. Take a look at some online shopping options at a website such as or for a child who is celebrating her or his 5th birthday. Do you think there are gender stereotypes associated with the toys available? Explain.

2. As a child, what toys did you play with? Were these toy selections at all influenced by your parents, the media, or friends? Why or why not?

3. Did the toys you played with as a child have gender stereotypes associated with them? Where they picked for you/ by you in relation to your gender?

4. Name your favorite movie from elementary school. Describe the main character of that movie. Was the character male or female? Were there toys available based on this character?

5. Do you think the movies targeted for today’s children have more or less gender stereotypes than the movies you watched as a child? Why or why not?

6. Do you believe that the choices parents make about their children’s toys or movies influence the child’s beliefs about the appropriate roles for women and men or boys and girls? Why or why not?

7. Do you think children who play with toys designed for the other sex are treated differently from children who play with gender-typical toys? Why or why not?

Task 5: What is Beauty?

Watch the following videos and answer the questions below.

Watch the Dove Model Transformation at:

1. Describe the video as if you were explaining it to someone who didn’t see it. What is it about?

2. Name 3 changes that they made to the person’s face.

3. Would you recognize the woman in the picture as the model? Why or why not?

Watch a clip from Ellen at:

4. How does Ellen describe health?

Watch the following TED Talk at:

5. Who is Cameron Russel?

6. Why did she change her clothes?

7. What does Cameron mean about the genetic lottery she won?

8. What does Cameron point out about the pictures she takes as a model versus the pictures taken in her real life? Does she consider them both to be images of her?

9. What does Cameron say she gets for free? Why does she say she gets these things? Why does she point this out? What point is she trying to make?

10. 78% of 18 year old girls in the US say they don’t like their bodies. After reflecting on this, what do you think this means? Why do you think this is? Do you think this statistic is accurate?

11. What does Cameron admit on camera that she has never admitted before? Do you think this was difficult for her?

12. What do you think Cameron’s overall message was? What was the point of her TED Talk?

Watch 'Dear Middle School Me' at:

13. What letter/story stood out to you the most?

14. How do these teens describe the ‘middle school’ stage in their lives?

15. One of the people in this video spoke about ‘Body image for boys is a silent epidemic’. Comment on this. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?

16. Some of the people in this video talk about dieting. How does this relate to body image?

17. One person in this video says that “I had to train myself to hate myself’. Comment on this quote.

18. Once they begin talking about ‘things they wish they knew when they were younger’. What advice stuck out to you?

19. If you could write a letter to your younger self, or to a younger sibling or friend, what advice might you give them about self image?

20. After reflecting on body image, how do you think a person’s body image changes over the course of their life? Does a person’s body image change as they move through the various stages of life? (children, pre-teens, teens, young adults, adults, middle-aged and elderly?)

Watch the music video for “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera at:

21. How was the girl in this video impacted by the societal expectations for what she should look like?

22. How was the boy in this video impacted by the societal expectations for what he should look like?

23. Do you think that celebrities feel they need to conform to these expectations? Explain your reasoning.

---END OF TASKS. Remember to hand in all 5 tasks together either on loose-leaf or printed from a Google Doc!