Welcome to Mr. Wong's Grade 6 Homepage

Why this site?

Hey folks,

Thanks for visiting my website for this grade 6 year. On this site, you'll find cool links to different educational apps, and other information about our grade 6 year. Please keep in mind that this site is always a work in progress and I will try to update it as the year goes along.

Be sure to check out the math section for tutorials, games, practice sheets and more for each unit.

A little about me.

If you didn't know already, my name is Neil Wong. I have been teaching for the Halifax Regional Centre for Education (HRCE) for 13 years, the last 8 at Elizabeth Sutherland School. I have taught grade 6 for the last 5 years.

I moved to Halifax about 13 years ago with my wife Julia. We now have two boys, Harrison and Sebastian and a dog, Nellie. We love to get out for family walks on the weekend or any time we can.

If you need to contact me, my e-mail is nwong@hrce.ca.

School Phone: 902-479-4427