Staying Safe

As we've moved away from some of the Covid restrictions we've had to follow these past few school years, it will still be important to continue working together to ensure we can stay safe and healthy.  We can continue to keep ourselves and our classmates safe by staying home when ill, washing hands, and using practices to minimize the spread of germs.

Classroom Expectations

Students are expected to be responsible for their choices.  Their choices have an effect on the atmosphere in the class, their work and workspace, and their relationships with others in the class.  I will guide students in making good choices and I look forward to working together with you to help your child receive the best education possible. 

French Immersion

The goal of the French Immersion program is to help students develop a high degree of proficiency in French.  It is my personal goal to also help students develop a love of the language. 

Students are required to speak only in French in class, with the exception of English language arts class.  As well, students are encouraged to speak as much French as possible outside the classroom to continue to improve their language skills. 

Student Assessment

Student progress will be based on attaining the learning outcomes for each subject.

The reporting of student progress will concentrate on two areas, assessment and evaluation.  Assessment is the gathering and selecting of observable information related to the interests, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and needs of students.  Evaluation is the interpreting of data, and the act of making a professional judgment about the quality of students’ work in relation to curriculum outcomes and expectations.

The grade on the report card for integrated language arts and mathematics will be based on the progress and achievement of language arts and mathematics outcomes only.  While other subject areas are not separately scheduled or given a grade on the report card, I will continue to teach and monitor student progress through a variety of methods including conversations/conferences, observations, and products. Communication of student learning is ongoing throughout the year and not just at reporting periods. 

An Integrated Approach

With the start of the 2015-2016 school year, the Nova Scotia Department of Education introduced a new streamlined and innovated curriculum with a strong foundation in math and literacy skills which will better support important learning for students.  Along with an emphasis on math and literacy, the updated curriculum also sees a reduction in the number of learning outcomes to give clearer expectations for student learning.  Teachers will have the time to delve deeper into the curriculum and to create richer learning opportunities for students and there will be more time to focus on those outcomes.

 What is integrated curriculum?

An integrated curriculum develops skills and understandings that overlap across subjects. It enables students to see and experience connections amongst subjects and can connect real-world and relevant learning opportunities to the classroom. Integration supports and better reflects how students typically process information and can foster deeper learning experiences.

 What can integration look like in language arts?

During integrated language arts time teachers will explicitly instruct students in language arts outcomes. Teachers will continue to use effective instructional strategies such as reading and writing workshops. Other subject area outcomes (health, science, social studies, and visual arts) will be integrated into the learning opportunities planned for and provided to students.

 What can integration look like in Mathematics?

During integrated mathematics time teachers will explicitly instruct students in mathematics outcomes. Teachers will continue to use effective strategies such as direct and guided instruction and discovery lessons. Other subject area outcomes (health, science, social studies, and visual arts) will be integrated into the learning opportunities planned for and provided to students. 

A Restorative Approach

I take a Restorative Approach in the classroom to improve communications skills and to build positive relationships within the classroom and greater school community.  A Restorative Approach values relationships and a sense of belonging in order to foster community and allow students to learn and grow in the ideal environment.  I routinely use talking circles to share feelings, ideas about learning and to solve problems as they arise. 

To learn more about Restorative Approaches in Education check out my parent link section for some valuable websites.

Caring Schools

Caring Schools is s a comprehensive, research-based social and emotional learning program that builds school-wide community, develops students’ social skills, and enables a transformative stance on discipline.

This program promotes positive behavior through direct teaching of responsibility, empathy, and cooperation, creating settings where students feel heard, known, and cared for. Students become intrinsically motivated to contribute productively to a community they feel invested in, and where they know they matter.

To learn more about Caring Schools check out my parent link section for some valuable websites.


Parent volunteers are welcome in the classroom this year.  If you are interested in helping out in the classroom, please reach out!  It is often very valuable to have an extra set of hands for an involved activity!  I also appreciate anyone who is willing to share some experience or expertise with our class-we love learning new things and would welcome you into our class to share with us. Parent volunteers will also be required for any class outings.  Parent volunteers are asked to have Criminal Records checks and Child Abuse Registry on file with the school.