School Success Plan

What is a School Success Plan?

Under the leadership of the principal, the school community works collaboratively to develop the school’s improvement plan. Using provincial templates, Student Success Planning relies on effective distributed leadership between and among teachers, and shared commitment of support staff, school advisory councils, parents/guardians, students, and community members.

Student Success Planning begins with a review of data/evidence to help determine where the school appears to be effective and where improvements are needed. This evidence is used to determine student achievement goals. Goals outline what will be measured to demonstrate improvement in student achievement. They need to be specific enough to be measurable, while broad enough to be inclusive of all students.

All schools develop student literacy, mathematics and safe and inclusive achievement goals. In the Student Success Planning Framework, learning teams work together to identify how they can contribute to the overall success of school improvement by focusing on improving student achievement in their classrooms.

Student Success Planning engages teachers in an ongoing cycle of reflection and action, within a learning team culture. The core work of student success is clearly focused in the classroom with ongoing implications for assessment and instructional improvement. School-based collaborative learning teams examine classroom assessment results and reflect on strategies they will use to ensure students are achieving the outcomes.

Released Plans

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