Q: My student does not miss that much school. Why do we need attendance support?

A: Absences add up. If your student misses two days a month, over the course of their education they will miss close to a year and a half total of curriculum time. Being late will also add up. Being consistently 10 minutes late in the mornings means missing around 4 to 6 days of curriculum time throughout one school year.

Q: Does attendance support form part of the discipline procedures for the school?

A: No. Attendance support is about supporting your student in getting to school on time, and attending regularly. It is about helping the student (and parents or caregivers) in establishing good routines. Attendance plans are (preferably) made with input from the student to find a solution that works. Different things motivate different students to get to school and stay in class.

Q: It is difficult for me to get to the school to attend a meeting.

A: It is possible to have meetings via phone or email, or the attendance support worker can come out for a home visit or a lunch break meeting if that works better for you.

Q: My student has a medical condition so regular daily attendance is not possible. How can attendance support help me?

A: Some cases are more complex than others. Attendance support is not about 100% attendance all day, every day for every student when that is not a reasonable expectation. In some cases attendance support will mean assisting families in transitioning their student into and out of treatment for example, or transitioning a student back in to school who has had an extended absence for other reasons. Some extended absences are unavoidable. An attendance support worker can also work as part of the team with the school administration, school social workers, school psychologists and outside support personnel.

Q: Do I need a referral for attendance support?

A: No. While some students may be referred to attendance support by the school, a specific referral is not required for parents to access attendance support at this time.