
COntact Information

Director: Stephen Cameron

T: (902) 542-6060 (Ext: 1229)


2020-2021 Music department Registration

faq for new music students

Horton Music Department – FAQ

Dear parents/students;

Being in Grade 8, you are now deciding whether or not to participate in the music department at Horton High School in the next school year. I have compiled several of the most commonly asked questions about the music department at Horton, in an effort to aid your decision-making. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions not covered here, or if you would like more detail. My contact info is at the bottom of the page.

  1. Is Grade 9 Music a “band” class? Yes it is! The name of the course is “Band Instruments 9”. We cover the units in the Provincial Curriculum, including performance, composition (just a little) listening/responding to music, and making connections between music and society. Much of this is done through playing our instruments , and it happens during a regular class time.

  2. I played the clarinet (flute/trumpet/bassoon, French horn...) in middle school. Can I switch instruments in grade 9? It is recommended that you play an instrument that you have some experience with, since the music is not beginner music. Many are successful on a new instrument, however, if they can confidently read music and are willing to put in the extra practice time.

  3. Is there a cost to be in Music? Yes there is, whether you are taking the in-school course, or whether you participate in extra-curricular ensembles. Although Music 9 it is a public school course, the Music Parents Association is permitted to request a fee for the course. This is because, as an instrumental course, it goes above and beyond what the School Board and Dept of Education are able to fund. Nobody is turned away. If the $75 fee is problematic for you, there is a space on the registration form to request the fee be waived.

  4. What about the instrument? If you need to rent an instrument, the cost for the entire school year is $75. Those who register for music the following year are permitted to sign out their instrument during the summer.

  5. Is Grade 9 Music the only option? Not at all! If you wish to be involved in music at Horton, there are several extra-curricular ensembles you can join. All of these groups rehearse outside of regular school hours, either before or after school.

    • Junior Jazz Band,

    • Senior jazz band (grade 9 students need to audition)

    • Senior Concert Band (grade 9 students need to audition)

    • Concert Choir

    • Glee Club (Auditioned group)

  6. What is the Music Parent Association? The Horton Music Parents Association is a group made up of ALL parents of students who participate in music at Horton High School. Parents are asked to donate approximately 10-15 hours over the course of the year to help support the running of this very busy, very important department. Although the school board and the school administration are both very supportive, they can only provide so much support. The rest comes from fees and fundraising and parent assistance. There are many opportunities to get involved to help support the program, either with time, talents, or finances. It’s worth it!

  7. I have a question you didn’t answer. Please feel free to contact the me, music director, using the contact info below. I will either answer your question, or point you in the right direction!

Stephen Cameron

[902 - 542-6060 - ext 1229]


rehearsal attendance

Music parents association