Practices and Procedures

Student Drop Off at School

The school building will be open to students from 7:45 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. If you are dropping off your child, please use the drop-off loop and have your child exit on the building side of your car. Please do not leave your car in a drop-off spot while in the building; use the parking lot. There are between 55-80 cars dropping students off in the morning and your cooperation is greatly appreciated in order to allow for the flow of traffic to be maintained. We ask that students being dropped off at school arrive by 8:00 a.m. This allows them time to get to their rooms and settled in before O’Canada and announcements.

Safe Arrival

Our computer database will make automated calls to homes where a student has been marked absent and we have not received an excuse for the absence. If your child will be away from school; please call the main office (902-792-6710) and leave a message to let us know or email the school at . We are unable to accept a verbal excuse from your child. If you know in advance about an absence, please make the office aware as soon as possible.

Absence from School

If a student must miss time from school please call or email to inform the school. If your child is to be out for an extended period of time please contact his/her teacher so that school work may be sent home.

Scent Free

Parents/Guardians are reminded that Falmouth Elementary is a Scent-Free School. Many persons are extremely sensitive to perfumes, colognes, aftershaves and other scented products. You are asked to refrain from wearing them while in school.

"Nut Aware" Program

At times we have students enrolled who have life-threatening allergies to tree nuts and peanut products, such that even the smell of peanut butter could cause them to have a reaction requiring medical intervention. The best way to provide a safe environment for them is to ask for your cooperation and support in helping us to be as “Nut Aware” as possible. We are asking that each child bring snacks and/or lunches that are free of any nuts or nut products. I’m sure you will appreciate the seriousness of this condition and that you will assist us at the school. With your cooperation we can minimize the risk of a severe allergic reaction and create a safe environment for every student at Falmouth School. If you plan to send sandwiches that include Wow Butter, a note on top would be appreciated so we know it is not peanut butter.

Care of Classrooms

Teachers and students are expected to keep their classrooms orderly. Each class is responsible for ensuring that furniture and materials are cared for. At the end of each day chairs are to be placed on the tables and papers, footwear, pencils, erasers, crayons, etc. are to be picked up. This helps the janitorial staff keep our school clean. It also provides students with opportunities to develop responsibility.

Student Medication at School

Medication will be given to students when permission to do so has been received from their parent/guardian and appropriate forms have been completed.

In most cases, medication will be kept in the principal’s office.

Telephone Use

Permission for students to use the office telephone will be given when the teacher considers it necessary. Calls are not to be made before the morning announcements.

Breakfast Program

Breakfast trays will be delivered to each classroom before announcements. Students may help themselves. The trays will contain a drink, breakfast food and some fruit.

Canteen/Hot Lunch Program

A google form is emailed to parents/guardians to be filled out and submitted for lunch orders.

Containers will be delivered to the classrooms just before lunch with their orders. Teachers are asked to have a clear space near the door for students to place lunch containers. Containers will be collected after lunch.

Bus Notes

Students will travel on their own bus. If the student is required to take a different bus please call or email the office with the change information.

Party Invitations

We request that students not distribute party invitations at school. These should be organized and distributed from home.

Recycling and Composting

Each classroom is responsible for the recycling of cans, bottles and juice containers. Items are to be taken to bins outside the canteen before the end of each day. All items that can be composted should be collected in the classroom and will be picked up by a senior student daily. Students should not be outside when buses are entering or leaving the grounds.

Paper to be recycled is to be collected in blue bins in classrooms and collected weekly by a senior student.


According to a schedule drawn up in September, students will go to library classes once a week, at which time they can sign out books. Teachers are to accompany their students and are responsible for general discipline.

Library books will be collected in the classroom. They will be picked up on the day when the class would be scheduled to have library. Teachers will work with students to ensure that library books are returned by their due dates. It is the teacher’s responsibility to follow up with students and/or parents on overdue books.

Student's Personal Items

Parents/Guardians are reminded that students are not permitted to buy, sell, or trade items on school property. Students should not be bringing toys from home to school unless a teacher has a special sharing day.


Our memos and newsletters will be emailed to all families. If you still require a paper copy, we can do that, please let us know. If you do not receive a newsletter within the first couple days of the month, let the office know and we will check your email address. Our Home & School Group have a Facebook Page and all you have to do is ‘like’ the page to get current updates from them as well. A Falmouth District Twitter account is also accessible to our community, I encourage you to follow us on Twitter for current events happening at the school.

Volunteers in the School

We are a very fortunate community to have a number of organizations, parents, community members and grandparents that support our school. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know in the office and we can help get your security checks done and welcome you to the school.