School Cancellation

School cancellations are usually the result of weather conditions and/or power failures. Whenever possible cancellations are announced on the Cape Breton-Victoria Centre for Education website, by telephoning 1-888-320-8181 and on all local radio stations prior to morning classes.

In the event that school must be cancelled after classes have begun, an alert is sent to all parents/guardians by way of cell phone, home phone and email. As well, the school will telephone the parents or the emergency contact of all elementary students to inform them of the cancellation.

Parents should have an "Emergency Plan" and an emergency contact to be used in the event that they are not available at home when their child is dismissed from school Children should be aware of this plan, the name of the contact, and should know where they are expected to go when school is cancelled during the school day.

It is very important that parents be conscious of daily weather conditions and forecasts , and that each day children are aware of the alternate plans may be needed in case of illness or school cancellation.

Boularderie School has an Emergency Contact name and telephone number for each student in the school to be used when parents are not available in the event of cancellations or illness.