Dear Parent / Carer, 

As you read through this Newsletter you will get a flavour of why students choose to stay in GNSA Sixth Form. Their contributions to the life of our school is invaluable and we hope to repay them by providing strong academic support alongside sound careers advice and guidance, as they make plans and work towards further education or employment. We are incredibly proud of how our Sixth Form help with Seva and provide support to the various events and activities within the life of our school and community.

The end of term is approaching and the holiday period will soon begin. As Sixth Form students have settled into school routines the Autumn term has passed very quickly indeed.  Many Year 13 students are busy writing personal statements for UCAS applications, and staff have been finalising their references to support this process too. We continue to offer students support during preparations for university visits and interviews and we wish them luck as they participate in this competitive application process. These steps will begin to finalise soon as we move into January, with a deadline of 31st January 2024 for all undergraduate course applications to universities. 

The next formal examinations for BTEC Science and BTEC Business students commence on Tuesday 9th January 2024, so please check the communication details about study leave and examination timetable arrangements. For all Year 13 students mock examinations are also approaching quickly, with start dates shortly after they return to school, beginning in the week commencing 24th January 2024.  

As we draw to the end of 2023 the Sixth Form team would like to say thank-you and well done to staff, students and families for their contributions, work and efforts so far this year. Please have a wonderful holiday whatever your plans may be, and we wish you a healthy and Happy New Year for 2024.

Christine Wilson

Assistant Principal - Post 16 studies


On 24th November GNSA MAT celebrated Gurpurab with Gurdwara Assemblies and kirtan performed by every year group throughout the week. The events culminated in a special langar and meal for everyone in the school community. As is the tradition at GNSA, the Sixth Form students performed the Seva at this activity taking responsibility for delivering food to all year groups and staff, and helping to clear away and tidy up all areas at the end of service.

Manleen Madan and Bhaavika Athiparan took on the significant responsibility of photography for the event. Please see their quite exceptional work. I'm sure you will agree they have done an outstanding job creating a permanent record of this amazing celebration. Thank you also to the many Sixth Form students who remained on site at the end of the school day to contribute further to celebratory events for the wider local community.

Post 16 Open Evening

On Thursday 19th October we held our Exhibition event for Year 11 students. Students and parents attended presentations outlining what to expect during the decision-making process for Key Stage 5 entry. 

The expectations of Sixth Form at the school were described: meeting the academic entry requirements; participation in enrichment activities like EPQ, Duke of Edinburgh award, Lamda, dance or sporting activities; completion of private study; participation in Seva; playing a role in the Youth Parliament; being a mentor to the school and community.

In the exhibition hall students were introduced to subject areas - with each department showcasing their work on stands and in displays. Subject Leaders, Sixth Form Teachers and Subject Ambassadors were at each stand ready to offer advice on careers, or enrichment opportunities. This gave students opportunities to talk to teachers, students, and alumni about their personal experiences.

In addition to GNSA teaching staff, we were privileged to be joined by representatives from Uxbridge College, Royal Holloway University and by our career's advisors. 

Admission criteria were distributed and both these and admission documentation for both current GNSA and external applicants will be distributed on the GNSA website. The closing date to record an 'expression of interest' is 19th December 2023. Please let us know your prefetrences at the earliest opportunity if you have missed this date.

Subject Ambassadors from Sixth Form provided support on each stand and explained the benefits and challenges that come along with studying each subject. This gave Year 11 students a real flavor of what their learning experience in the Sixth Form at GNSA may be. Teaching staff and Subject Ambassadors have worked incredibly hard to create displays of A level and BTEC work and to provide guidance and reading material for our Year 11 students. We want to say a huge thank you to everyone for their efforts to help make this a memorable event, to provide valuable careers guidance and in supporting Year 11 transition into GNSA Sixth Form.

Year 12 Olympia - What University, What Career?

Friday 10th November Year 12

Our year 12 students attended the 'What Career?  What University?' live event. The event helps students decide on their Post-16 options. Whether it’s an apprenticeship, university or further education. 

Settling In Evening

On 9th November Settling in Evening was held to enable form tutors to meet with students and families. This gave opportunity for tutors and progress leads to meet with any students where additional support or discussions were needed. We ask that all families continue to keep in close contact with Form Tutors and teachers expressing any concerns they may have about student progress or individual needs.

Please can we highlight that where attendance, timekeeping or academic progress expectations are not being met, Sixth Form students will lose the priviledge to leave school early at lunchtime if they have no period 6 or 7 lessons, but will instead be required to work in the silent study area until the end of each school day. The relevant students will be notified if this is the case.

Head Students

Year 12 students have been taking part in the democratic process of Head Boy / Head Girl elections. As part of this process candidates set up hustings to talk to students and provide a question and answer session, stationed in the atrium at lunch time  during the week commencing 11th December 2023.  All secondary students were advised to go along and ask any questions they had for the candidates running the campaign.  Students will have the opportunity to vote for the relevant candidates during the week commencing 18th December 2023. Students are in the process of preparing a presentation for the Senior Leadership Team. We look forward to announcing the outcome in the Spring term. 

Candidates running in the Head Boy / Head Girl Campaign are: 

Manchit Grover,  Arveen Kaur, Thivarshanansarmaa Thivakareswarasarma, Arjan Dhillon & Ikjot  Singh

Ishween Toor, Arveen Kaur, Tia Mann  & Taran Jheeta 

Juniper Hall Field Studies - Year 13 Biology

From 20-22nd November Year 13 Biology students visited Juniper Hall in Surrey to complete a series of field studies and required practical activities. Run in association with the Field Studies Council students completed detailed ecological studies in line with their A level curriculum, building synoptic links across a number of assessment units. They completed investigations into freshwater ecology on the River Tillingbourne at Crossways Farm, completing a pilot study, sampling the river and identifying invertebrates. On a second day they performed a grassland study by sampling chosen plant species, to identify the impact of trampling on Box Hill, and discussed the importance of chalk grasslands. They had the chance to secure their knowledge of choice chambers and statistical analysis collecting woodlice from Juniper Hall woodland, and discussing the ethical use of animals within science. This was our first visit from the science team to the centre but we will plan that this activity becomes an established part of the A level Biology course in future years as it was enjoyed by all and proved an informative learning experience.

Derbyshire Cricket 

Huge congratulations go to Lakshay Sharma as he is re-selected to train with Derbyshire County Cricket Club. Really well done!  It is fantastic to see him gain credit for his special sporting skills and talents.

Positively You - Study Skills Workshop

On Wednesday 20th December Year 12 and Year 13 students will join the 'Positively You' study skills programme called Bridging the Gap. This is designed to improve their preparation for examinations and enable them to feel confident in developing good attitudes and positive revision techniques for their formal examinations. The event is designed to identify and understand the main differences between pre and post 16 education, to develop higher order and effective study skills for our Sixth Form and to enable students to become motivated and independent learners. We hope they enjoy the process and will include updates in the next newsletter.