This table of contents shows all chapter, section and sub-section titles. Click on a chapter to show that chapter's code examples. Not every chapters contain code examples.
1. Introduction
2. Relational Database Fundamentals
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Tables, Rows and Columns
2.3 External and Internal Representations Of Data
2.4 Advantages Over Spreadsheets
2.4.1 Size and Speed
2.4.2 Multiple Users
2.5 Relationships Among Tables
2.5.1 One-to-many Relationships
2.5.2 One-to-one Relationships
2.5.3 Many-to-many Relationships
2.6 Entity Relationship Diagrams
2.7 Uniqueness
2.8 Sequences
2.9 Keys
2.9.1 Primary Keys
2.9.2 Foreign Keys
2.10 Constraints
2.11 Indexes
2.12 Joining Tables
2.13 Normal Forms
2.13.1 First Normal Form
2.13.2 Second Normal Form
2.13.3 Third Normal Form
2.13.4 Summary Of Normal Forms
3. Structured Query Language (SQL)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Databases, Schemas, Tables, Rows and Columns
3.3 Create
3.4 Insert
3.5 Select
3.6 Update and Delete
3.7 SQL Functions
3.7.1 Regular Functions
3.7.2 Aggregate Functions
3.8 Domains, Triggers and Views
3.9 Unions, Intersections and Differences
4. Relational Database Management Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Standard SQL
4.3 A Sampling Of Differences
4.4 Server and Client
4.5 Compatibility
5. Client and Web Applications
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Command Line Programs
5.3 Web-Based Applications
5.4 Client Applications
5.5 SQL Interfaces In Various Languages
5.5.1 Perl
5.5.2 Python
5.5.3 PHP
5.5.4 Java
6. Data Storage, Searching and Manipulation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 General Schema Design Decisions
6.3 Sample Schema For Tracking Chemical Samples
6.4 Schemas For Pubchem Data
6.4.1 BioAssay Data
6.4.2 Substances
6.4.3 Compounds
6.5 Data Constraints and Data Integrity
6.6 Developing Complex SQL
6.7 Sub-Select Statements
7. Computer Representations Of Molecular Structures
7.1 Introduction
7.2 SMILES Representation Of Molecular Structure
7.3 Extensions To SQL For Chemical Structures
7.4 SMARTS Representation Of Molecular Searches
7.5 SMILES and SMARTS Quirks
7.5.1 Hydrogen Atoms
7.5.2 Aromaticity
7.5.3 Tautomers
7.5.4 Valence
7.5.5 Chirality
7.5.6 Isotopes
7.5.7 Salts and Mixtures
7.5.8 InChI and Canonical SMILES
7.6 SMILES and Inorganic Structures
7.7 Other SMILES Extensions
7.8 Input and Output Of Molecular Structures
7.9 Useful SQL Extensions
7.10 SMILES As A SQL Data Type
7.10.1 Domains
7.10.2 Triggers
7.11 Summary
8. Molecular Fragments and Fingerprints
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Fragments
8.2.1 Fragment Keys
8.2.2 MACCS Keys and Other Fragment Keys
8.3 Fingerprints
8.4 Similarity Measures
8.5 Computing Fragment-Based Properties
9. Reactions and Transformations
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Reaction SMILES
9.3 Transformations
9.3.1 Unimolecular Transformations
9.3.2 Multi-component Transformations
9.4 Canonical Reaction SMILES
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Composite Data Types
10.3 Composite Data Type For Experimental Values
10.4 Array Data Types For 2- and 3-Dimensional Coordinates
10.5 Functions In Other Languages
10.5.1 Plpgsql
10.5.2 Plperl, Plpython, Pltcl
10.5.3 Core Chemical Functions
10.5.4 C Language Functions
10.6 Object RDBMS
11. 3-Dimensional Molecular Structure Tables
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Using Tables Instead Of Files
11.3 Molfile and Other Common File Formats
11.4 Processing SDF Files
11.5 Using Tables Instead Of Files In Client Programs
11.6 File Import, Export and Conversions
11.7 Functions Using 3-Dimensional Atomic Coordinates
11.8 Conformations
11.9 Other Representations Of 3-Dimensional Molecular Structure
12. More On Client and Web Interfaces To RDBMS
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Store All Possible Data In The RDBMS
12.3 Advanced SQL Techniques
12.3.1 Placeholders In SQL Statements
12.3.2 Bind Values In SQL Statements
12.4 Web Applications
12.5 R Programs
12.5.1 Hierarchical Clustering
12.5.2 Linear Models
13. Applications
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Compound Registration
13.3 Experimental Chemical and Biological Data Integration
13.4 Data From External Sources
13.5 Utilities
13.5.1 molgrep
13.5.2 molcat
13.5.3 molview
13.5.5 molrandom
13.5.6 molnear
13.5.7 molsame
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Symbols and Bonds From Smiles
A.3 Normalizing Data
A.4 SQL Functions
A.4.1 Public166keys
A.4.2 Orsum
A.4.3 Tanimoto
A.4.4 Euclid
A.4.5 Hamming
A.4.6 Nbits_set
A.4.7 Amw
A.4.8 Tpsa
A.5 Tables Used In Functions
A.5.1 Amw
A.5.2 Tpsa
A.5.3 Public166keys
A.6 Core Function Implementation For PostgreSQL
A.6.1 PerlMol/plperlu
A.6.2 FROWNS/plpythonu
A.6.3 OpenBabel/python
A.7 C Language PostgreSQL Functions
A.8 Database Utilities Dbutils
A.9 Loading Files Into Simple Tables
A.9.1 Smiloader
A.9.2 Sdfloader