Research Topics



Entanglement is the essential resource for various quantum information processing. Higher-dimensional entanglement and multipartite entanglement can even enhance the security in quantum communication and the computational power in quantum computing.  In our group, we focus on the evaluation and verification of large-scale entanglement in higher-dimensional and multipartite systems. Our target is to establish theories for entanglement evaluation that are feasible in experiments rather than mathematical concepts.


Characterziation of mulitphoton linear optics networks

Linear optics networks are multimode interferometers constructed by beam splitters. In a linear optics network, one can efficiently calculate permanents of matrices through boson sampling, which is an impossible mission for classical supercomputers. Due to the computational complexity, the characteristics of multiphoton states in linear optics networks are concealed under the complicated photon statistics, that are not simulatable in classical computers. 

In the future, the characterization of multiphoton states in linear optics networks will be therefore an essential and challenging procedure for quantum information processing in multiphoton linear optics networks. In our group, we focus on the characterization theory based on the measurements in linear optics networks that are feasible in experiments.



Distributed quantum computing

The fascinating quantum computing could show quantum supremacy over classical computation in principle. However, the state-of-the-art quantum computation is still in a noisy intermediate-scale (NIS) era. We still need to overcome the noise and scalability of the gates to build a universal quantum computer that outperforms classical counterparts. To enhance the scalability of quantum gates, one may explore entangled states that connect two computing kernels to implement distributed quantum computation. Such distributed quantum computing is an ongoing research subject in our group.