Research & CV

This is the web page of J.I. García-García

Research papers


  • García-García, J.I.; Vigneron-Tenorio, A. OmegaPrimality, a package for computing the omega primality of finitely generated atomic monoids. Index: ""

  • García-García, J.I.; Vigneron-Tenorio, A. DeltaSetsNumericalMonoids, a Mathematica package for computing the Delta sets of numerical semigroups. Index: ""

  • García-García, J.I.; Vigneron-Tenorio, A. ProporcionallyModularAffineSemigroupN2, a software system to solve a proportionally modular inequality in N^2. Index: ""

  • García-García, J.I.; Sánchez-R.-Navarro, A.; Vigneron-Tenorio, A. PolySGTools, a Mathematica package for convex polygonal semigroups. Index: ""

  • García-García, J.I.; Marín-Aragón, D.; Vigneron-Tenorio, A. PyConvexHullSemigroup, a Python library for computations in convex hull semigroups. Index: ""

  • García-García, J.I.; Marín-Aragón, D.; Vigneron-Tenorio, A. FrobeniusNumberAndGenus, a Mathematica package for computations in numerical semigroups. Index: ""

Faculty of Science (Universidad de Cádiz)

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