English Language Arts (ELA)


Students will learn how to read, analyze, and dissect rich poems, fictional stories, and nonfiction texts.


Students will learn how to research and write 5-paragraph informative, persuasive, and narrative essays to answer a writing prompt in depth.


Students will learn how to improve their comprehension of texts by using their understanding of Greek and Latin root words, context clues, and figurative language.


There are four "Big Hitters" in 4th grade math:

Through real-world applications, students will become proficient in the following math domains (and more):


Students will learn about:


Students will explore topics related to:

Grit & Growth Mindset

Our overarching learning goal this year will be to practice showing Grit & having a Growth Mindset.

What is Grit?

When we refer to grit in the classroom, we are talking about courage and perseverance. The willingness to take chances is a key identifier of grit. In order for students to be willing to take chances, they must be comfortable with making mistakes. This is where having a growth mindset is important.

What is Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset is a way of thinking that focuses on seeking out challenges and viewing mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Students with a growth mindset (vs. a fixed mindset) understand that everybody's intelligence and abilities can grow with practice.

For example, a 4th grade student may not know how to multiply 2-digit numbers... yet. But the student knows that they can learn by practicing, taking chances, making mistakes, and trying a different way the next time until they get it right.Â