
Unit 1 - Intro to Skills

Introduction Letter.docx

TED Talk #1 - "Beware online filter bubbles" - https://www.ted.com/talks/eli_pariser_beware_online_filter_bubbles

TED Talk #1 - Transcript.pdf
TED Talk #1.docx

TED Talk #2 - “How to see past your own perspective and find truth” - https://www.ted.com/talks/michael_patrick_lynch_how_to_see_past_your_own_perspective_and_find_truth

TED Talk #2 - Transcript.pdf
TED Talk #2.docx
Everything's an Argument - Chapter 1.pdf
Outline #1.docx
Tree of Reasoning #1.docx
Photo Essay PowerPoint.docx
TED Talk #3 - Transcript.pdf
TED Talk #3.docx
Tree of Reasoning #2.docx
Everything's an Argument - Chapter 5.pdf
Outline #2.docx
Fallacies PowerPoint.docx

Unit 2 - Inequality in America

Everything's an Argument - Chapter 21.pdf
Outline #3.docx

Unit 3 - The Role of the American Government

Tree of Reasoning #3.docx
Everything's an Argument - Chapter 17.pdf
Outline #4.docx
Mock PT1 Post Analysis.docx