
I have five rules in my classroom and each of them is listed below. We talk a lot about our rules and why they are important throughout the school year. They are here for your convenience and for when you need to reference them. Thank you for supporting the positive behaviors your child exhibits in and out of the classroom!

Rule #1: I like to emphasize this for when anyone is talking to you, whether it be through a group or individually. Listening is a big part of being respectful and respect is huge in the classroom and life.

Rule #2: This ensures everyone's safety and it also ensures we get lessons and activities done on time so we can maximize learning!!

Rule #3: RESPECT! This is so often talked about in our room. It can seem a daunting and challenging concept to teach, but I pride myself on being able to explain and describe this concept for first graders very effectively.

Rule #4: This is another branch of respect that we go over (and over, and over) throughout the year. We love to share our ideas, but we must take turns to be heard or we won't understand anyone!

Rule #5: Three very important qualities that play into a successful learning environment. In class, we will go over many ways to be safe, be kind, and be honest in all kinds of scenarios.