
Ms. Garcia’s Language Arts Syllabus

What can be expected:

  1. As you enter the classroom, there will be a warm-up activity on the board that should be completed promptly after the tardy bell. Every warm-up for the week will be completed on the same sheet of paper.
  2. A spiral notebook will be used and kept in class to complete daily warm-ups.
  3. When homework is due, students are to alphabetize their papers in the alphabetizer as they come into class and then take a seat. This can be found on the utility table at the back of the room.
  4. If students need to use the bathroom, there will be a sign-out sheet for that class period that he/she must fill out before leaving the room. The student must also take the bathroom pass before entering the hall.
  5. Honesty is my most important policy. If at any point during this year you were unable to complete an assignment or project due to something happening in your life, please come talk to me. Above all else, you are my student and I am here to help you in any way that I can.

Grade Breakdown:

Class Participation 20%

Classwork 35%

Tests/Projects 45%

Classroom Policies:

Entering the classroom:

  1. Enter the room quickly and quietly. Walk along the wall to your table group.
  2. Collect your necessary materials, including your daily warm-up spiral notebook from your class period’s bin.
  3. Complete the warm-up projected on the board.


Students must not only be in the classroom but also in their assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. If students come into class late with a pass or written excuse, they should present it to the teacher before taking their seats quietly.

1st Tardy = Verbal Warning

2nd Tardy = Student/Teacher conference

3rd Tardy = Parent phone call

4th Tardy = Referral to the dean

Absences & Make-up Work

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to keep track of your missing assignments and turn them in as soon as possible. No missing or late assignments will be accepted 1 week before the end of every 9 weeks. Remember: The sooner you get it into me, the sooner I can grade it.

There are 2 ways you can do this:

  1. You can find your missing assignments in your class folder beside the front door.
  2. You can access missing assignments through our Google Classroom from home.

If you or your guardian have any questions, feel free to email me at

Late Work:

Late work will be accepted past the due date at a reduced grade of -10 points for each day it is late. Five days after the original due date, the assignment will receive no higher than a 50 in the gradebook. The weekend days WILL count as days late for an assignment. Remember: You can always email me an assignment.

No Name Assignments:

Students must write their name in the appropriate heading in order to receive credit for their work. I cannot give credit to an assignment if I do not know who it belongs to. No name papers will be placed in a tray on the back table of the room (same table where you turn in assignments). If a student retrieves his/her paper and resubmits it with a name, he/she will receive partial credit.


  1. There is a section called “Scuba Supplies” near the teacher’s desk where students can get various supplies. Students can use the station when the teacher is NOT giving instructions or a lesson. Please note: These supplies are for students to BORROW and RETURN once they are done.
  2. You can find paper, pencils, pens, scissors, sticky-notes, tissues, hand sanitizer, tape, a stapler, a hole-puncher, and a pencil sharpener at our “Scuba Supplies”.
  3. Students must either pick up the supplies they need at the beginning of class on their way to their desk, or by raising their hand during class for permission. All supplies, with the exception of paper, must be returned to “Scuba Supplies” when class is dismissed.

If you would like to donate to “Scuba Supplies”, feel free to do so at any point during the year. However, please note that this is completely OPTIONAL.

Asking Questions & Commenting:

  1. Students must raise their hand silently and wait to be called on by the teacher. Students should not shout out questions or answers.
  2. There will be times when a student might have a question that he/she is uncomfortable asking in front of class or that is unrelated to the lesson. When this occurs, write down the question on a sticky-note and deposit the note in “Ms. Liz’s Tip Jar” on my desk. I check my tip jar at the end of each day and respond to all questions/comments. This is also a great way for students to quietly alert me of any bullying, teasing, name-calling, or otherwise disruptive behavior that is making them uncomfortable.
  3. When asking to use the bathroom, students should raise their thumb in the air. By doing this, the teacher immediately knows what the student needs before it is asked. Students will sign out using the corresponding clipboard at the front of the room.

Classroom Disruption/Misbehavior:

Information regarding misbehavior and disciplinary actions can be found in the Kanapaha Middle School Student Handbook & Planner. A matrix is provided in the handbook listing different offenses and resulting consequences.

Students can be awarded “positive referrals” and Kanapaha Kash for exemplary behavior. Kanapaha Kash is a student currency that can be redeemed throughout the year for various things including food from the a la carte line and patio dining at lunch, admission into KMS athletic events, entry into PBS events such as movie day, and items at the school store.

Dismissal from Class:

The teacher, NOT the clock or bell, will instruct the class when it is dismissed. Any and all materials collected from the back of the class, including spiral notebooks and supplies from “Scuba Supplies”, must be returned upon departure.