Psychology IA Help

I have included a slightly updated version of an info sheet about the Psychology IA (expanded the statistical tests table). It provides an overview of the overall process to help you design and carry out thorough data collection & investigation to reveal the most significant results.

Some sources to assist you in that process are linked here including a link to an EXTREMELY HELPFUL website that helps you choose the right test, and provides statistical test calculators and explanations.

Some of my video explanations (t-tests, etc.) are on the Biology IA Help page but the vocabulary around types of data is a little different for Psychology versus what is used in other classes (Nominal & Ordinal are lumped together as Categorical/Qualitative data and Interval & Ratio are lumped together as Quantitative data).

The 'Statistics Info Sheets Page' features one-page info sheets explaining many common tests.

The 'Statistics Video Page' features broad overview videos for earlier in your process when you're planning out your data collection & analysis.

Psych Analysis.pdf

Psychology Analysis 1-Page Summary

Overview of rubric, data types, descriptive Statistics, graph requirements, inferential Statistics, Statistical Tests

Types of Data.pdf

Types of Data 1-Page Summary

Detailed explanation of the 4 types of data, characteristics, flow chart to determine type, possible calculations

Types of Data Video

Great explanation of the types of data if you still need help

Stat Test Choice.pdf

All Hypothesis Tests Flow Chart

Large flow chart of hypothesis tests, includes null & alternative hypotheses, regular & non-parametric tests


Helps you choose the right test, and provides statistical test calculators and explanations

Chi-Squared GOF.mp4

Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit (1 Variable)

1 Categorical explanatory variable, response is categorical

Chi-Squared Ind or Homogeneity.mp4

Chi-Squared for 2-way Data

1 population, 2 Categorical explanatory variable, responses are categorical

2 populations, 1 categorical explanatory variable, responses are categorical