Course Syllabus

Sixth Grade Comprehensive Science – Mr. B. Baez

Phone: 472-1102 Email:

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Welcome to 6th grade Comprehensive Science. I am really excited of being able to spend this school year with your child and sharing my love of science. I certainly hope that they will enjoy the labs and projects that he/she will have this year.

Course Outline:

1st 9weeks: Energy, Forces and Motion, Nature of Science, and Hurricanes,

2nd 9weeks: Earth Systems, Energy in the Atmosphere and Ocean, and Nature of science.

3rd 9weeks: Weather and Climate, Earth's Surface Systems and Nature of science.

4th 9weeks: Living Things in the Biosphere, Cells and Cell Systems, and Nature of science.

Planner/Agendas: Every student has been given a planner. Our goal is for each and every student to learn and apply organizational skills during the year. The planner is a calendar where students will be expected to write down the agendas for each class. Your job, as parent or guardian, is to check the planner daily. This is a terrific means of communication between teacher and parent. This is also every student's hall pass. Anytime a student needs to leave the room, whether it is another classroom or the restroom, this will be their pass. They cannot leave the room without their planner.

Supplies: Notebook (Composition book)


Hand held pencil sharpener.

A great attitude!

Grading System: I will be using a weighted points system for grading. Points will be derived from the following areas:

1. 40% Classwork –Science Vocabulary, Discovery Education activities, notes, worksheets, and Brain Pop are just a few of the classwork activities students will be graded on. Please make every effort to have work in on time as I do not accept late work. Excused absences or prior arrangements are exceptions to this rule. If for some rare exception that I was to accept a late assignment for some other excuse the student will be penalized a letter grade per day late on that assignment.

2. (Part of 40%) Notebook - Students are required to bring their science notebook to class daily. Bell Ringers, Notes, handouts, classwork, Labs, etc. will be organized and kept in it.

3. 30% Labs- Students will participate in science labs in the classroom. Labs can count many points depending on complexity and time. Points can range from 100 points to 1,000.

4. Agenda Students will be required to write in their agenda every day, copying the agenda that is displayed on the board each day. (will be randomly checked)

5. Extra Credit- will be offered throughout the year.

6. 20% Test- Students will have Notebook quizzes, Brain Pop quizzes, and chapter and unit test and sometimes daily assessments.

7. 10% Class Participation: students will be required to be ready for class and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings, This includes being in your sit with your agenda copied or being copied and your notebook and other materials needed for class on the desk and ready to get started. Students can and will lose points when tardy (5 points) and for class room disruptions (10 points). Of course students can earn points back and also get extra credit points if they are participating very well.

Panther Pride!