Class Details

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Group A

7:45-8:00 - Homeroom 

8:00-9:00 - Science

9:00-10:00 - Math

10:00-10:22 - Recess

10:26-10:56 - Lunch

11:00-11:45 - Specials

Group B

11:45-12:45 - Science

12:45-1:44 - Math

1:45 - Dismissal


Group A

7:45-8:45 - Math 

8:45-9:15 - Science

9:15-9:45 - Recess

9:45-10:15 - Specials 

10:21-10:51 - Lunch  

Group B

11:00-11:30 - Science

11:30-12:30 - Math

12:30 - Dismissal

Grading Scale

A - 90-100 

B+ - 87-89 Above Average 

B - 80-86 

C+ - 77-79 

C - 70-76 Average

D+ - 67-69

D - 60-66 Lowest Acceptable

F - 0-59 Failure 

Grading Weights 


Assessments-  40%

Classwork - 30%

Quizzes - 20%

Homework - 10%


Assessments-  40%

Classwork - 30%

Labs / Investigations - 30%

Your child will have math homework every week.  The homework packet will be sent home every Monday and will be due back on Friday or the last day of the week if there is no school on Friday. The math homework should only take about 15 minutes per night and all the problems will be skills previously taught in class. Homework counts as 10% of your child's math grade. 

Each Student Should Bring: Donation Opportunities:

● 1 - 1/2 inch or 1 inch binder ● Black Dry Erase Markers

● 1 - Composition Book ● 1 Box - Facial Tissues

● 1 Pack - Lined Paper ● Magic Erasers (Mr. Clean®) 

● 2 Packs - Pre-sharpened Pencils ● 1 box - Crayons

● 1 Pack - Black Dry Erase Markers ● 1 pack - Glue Sticks 

● 1 Container - Disinfecting Wipes ● 1 (2/Pk) - Yellow Highlighters

 ● 1 pair of scissors ● 1 pack - Cap Erasers

 ● Zipper Pencil Pouch  Amazon Wishlist

 headphones or ear buds

Positive Behavior Intervention Support Plan  

I have high expectations for learning and behavior.   I will not accept any behavior that keeps me from teaching and students from learning.  In order to provide your child and all the students in our class the excellent learning environment they deserve, I am utilizing the following plan.

School-Wide Expectations:

We are Respectful

We are Responsible

We are Safe

We are Kind

Classroom Rules:

Follow directions the first time

Take care of all materials

Use kind words and actions

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

Always do your best   


Verbal Praise / High Five

Do Good Ticket

Email / Phone Call Home

PAW / Citizen Award


Verbal Warning

Safe Space / Time Out

Walk laps at recess

Behavior Notice / Referral