
Course regulations

1. 上課前老師將email會議ID給每位學生,請準時上線進入教室。

The teacher will email the meeting ID to each student before the class, please go online and enter the classroom on time.

2. 課程中請勿錄影、公開分享課程教材內容。

Video recording and re-photographing are prohibited in the course; please do not share the course materials publicly.

3. 如需證書(電子版),敬請來信申請。Email: thyang07@pu.edu.tw

If you need a certificate (the digital one), please send us an email. Email: thyang07@pu.edu.tw

4. 課後回饋:請學員務必完成此條件!

Course Feedback: Participants must complete the following conditions!